A Heartfelt Gesture

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Some of my friends were engrossed in animated conversations, while others swayed to the rhythm of the music on the dance floor again. Meanwhile, I found myself drawn to a quiet corner, where I noticed Aarav watching me from a distance.

Turning my attention back to Ishika and Nidhi, who were deep in conversation, I tried to shake off the distraction. But then Nidhi piped up, her eyes sparkling with admiration as she talked about Rohan.

"Shriya, you should see Rohan on the dance floor," Nidhi gushed. "He's so graceful and charming. I swear, he looks like he stepped out of a movie, and his cologne... it's intoxicating."

I couldn't help but smile at Nidhi's enthusiasm, but inside, a pang of envy tugged at my heart. 

Meanwhile, Ishika's usual bubbly demeanor seemed muted, a hint of sadness lingering in her eyes. Sensing her mood, I reached out and squeezed her hand in silent solidarity. Sometimes, words weren't necessary between us; our bond spoke volumes on its own.

Lost in thought, I glanced back towards Rohan, only to find him still watching me, his expression unreadable. My attention was drawn to Rohan. He was standing across from me, his eyes locked with mine as if we were engaged in some silent conversation.

Feeling a sudden rush of shyness, I lowered my gaze, unsure of how to respond to the intensity of his stare. Beside me, Ishika seemed to be bubbling with excitement, her eyes darting back and forth between Rohan and me.

Then, out of nowhere, Ishika let out a delighted squeal. "Oh my gosh, Shriya, you won't believe what just happened!" she exclaimed, her voice barely containing her excitement.

I turned to her, curious. "What happened?" I asked, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"I was watching Rohan who was watching you, and suddenly he did the sweetest thing," Ishika gushed, a wide grin spreading across her face.

My curiosity piqued, I urged her to continue. "What did he do?"

"He put his hand over his heart," Ishika explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And then he pointed at you, as if he was saying that he's given his heart to you. He showed it to his friend!"

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and surprise. I couldn't believe I had missed such a heartfelt gesture from Rohan. "Oh my goodness, really?" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

Ishika nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, really! It was so romantic, Shriya. You have to talk to him!"

I chewed on my lip nervously, unsure of how to respond. "I don't know, Ishika. What if I make a fool of myself?"

Ishika shook her head, her expression filled with determination. "You won't, Shriya. Just go for it. You never know what might happen unless you try."

But I know, I can't! 

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