60-Eventually, 2043 (Epilogue)

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**Claire POV**

"You ready?" I ask, giving Reneé's hand a quick squeeze. She nods her head at me nervously as we step out of the car to walk into the fertility clinic. 

I have been trying to get pregnant for the last 7 years. After four tries we finally gave up, deciding that maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Last year around this time, Reneé decided she would give it a shot. We wanted to be moms so badly. We have been heartbroken so many times, however, I have a good feeling about this time. She's been moody lately and she has this new glow to her that I don't quite know how to describe. I think she's pregnant, and we're about to find out.

We walk inside and the receptionist takes us to a room only a few minutes later. The nurse gives Reneé a gown that she changes into, I can tell she is feeling nervous. The plan was always for me to carry, it was never something that Reneé had planned on doing. After we discovered that I won't be able to carry, I think she changed her mind a little. We talked a lot about it, since I knew that wasn't something she had ever been interested in. But she assured me she was willing and ready, so we decided to give it one more try. 

Reneé lays down on the table and pulls the gown up, covering her bottom half with a thin white sheet. The doctor squirts some gel on her stomach and swirls the probe around, looking for any sign of life inside her. She stops for a minute and adjusts the screen so we can see better. My heart skips a beat when she pauses.

"So," the doctor starts "if you guys will look up at the screen right here"

Reneé and I look up at the screen and immediately back at each other. There it was, right there on the screen in front of us. There is a tiny white blob on the sonogram, the baby we have waited so many years for.

"Reneé" I say, tears welling up in my eyes as I look over at her "it worked, babe"

"I'm pregnant?" she asks, completely shocked as she stares at the screen in front of us. 

"Yes," the doctor assures her "the egg retrieval worked. You're pregnant"

Reneé looks at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"I'm pregnant" she repeats to me, her voice shaking.

"I can't believe it," I say, tears now streaming down my face "you did it, baby"

She reaches her arms up and around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss. I feel a tear fall from her eye and run down her face. In this moment, truly nothing else mattered. We were finally going to be moms.

"I have some things I need to go over with you guys, but I will give you a minute together if you would like" the doctor suggests, standing up from the stool she was sitting on.

"That would be great, thank you" I reply. With that, she picks up her clipboard and walks out of the room, leaving Reneé and I alone to process this news.

She pulls me in again, kissing me harder and deeper than before, now that we're alone. This was all we have ever hoped for and now it was finally happening. I pull away from our kiss for a moment and place both my hands on her belly.

"I can't believe it," I say again "there is a baby in there!" I cannot contain my excitement.

"I know" she says, nervously before pulling me back in for one last kiss.

"I love you, Claire" she whispers in my ear before pulling away.

"I love you too, you're going to make the best mom" I tell her, holding both her hands in mine now.


1 Month Later

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