58-Don't Think I Could Love You More

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**Claire POV**

Tour is finally over and Reneé is back home with me for good. She's been busy working in the studio on her second album. I quit my job and have basically become her personal assistant at this point, I go with her to all her events. We are in full wedding planning mode, which is a lot more stressful than I anticipated it would be. We've decided the wedding will be in LA next year, we have about 6 months still left to plan. The idea of planning all of this honestly stresses me out a little bit and I think Reneé can tell, so she's taken over most of the big things. I don't mind, I love everything she has suggested so far. She likes to be in control anyways, so it seems like a win-win situation to me.

We have spent a significant amount of time lately with our families, getting the larger details of the wedding worked out like the venue, catering and our bridal party. I told Reneé we didn't need a bridal party, but she insisted. I chose Jane as my maid of honor, my sister and my two brothers. Reneé picked Alyah as hers, along with Alex, Jake and her brother.

My mom flew out to LA last week to take me wedding dress shopping. Reneé and I decided that we aren't going to show each other our dresses before the wedding, but that we needed to at least coordinate them as best we could. I wanted something lacy and she decided on something a little more plain, so I am hoping they will look good next to each other. Of all the wedding details, the dresses are what is most important to me. Reneé ended up finding her dress in North Carolina the last time we visited and it's currently hidden at her parents house. Mine is tucked away in the back of the guest room closet, but she thinks we shipped it to my mom's house.

We've decided against a bachelorette party for either of us. Instead we're going to take a trip to Mexico, just the two of us, two weeks before the wedding. Reneé booked us a suite at some sort of all-inclusive resort down there, we are really looking forward to a week of relaxing on the beach and plenty of margaritas. We are going to honeymoon in Europe, which I am so excited for. 6 days in Paris was definitely not enough, I want to see so many of the other countries over there. At this point, I worry my passport will fill up before it expires, but I guess that's a good thing, right?

Therapy has helped me a lot and my medicine seems to be working without all the crazy side effects that the last ones had. My therapist also recommended that Reneé and I do couples counseling before we get married, apparently that is something a lot of people do nowadays. It took a little convincing at first but I finally got her to agree and I think it's been really great for us. We've talked a lot more about everything that has happened in the past and what we see for ourselves in the future, individually and as a couple. All things we've talked about before, but the therapist helps us dig a little deeper into some of the more important topics.


It's a brisk Sunday afternoon, Reneé and I slept in today for the first time in a while. We woke up around 10 but didn't get out of bed until close to 11:30. We got brunch and went to the grocery store, I love these slow mornings with her. I love doing random everyday things with her, like running errands and doing laundry. Our sheets are in the dryer and there is a pumpkin candle burning on the stove, I couldn't ask for much more. We're sat in the living room going over some more wedding details. I am trying my hardest to pay attention. 

"What are you thinking for colors?" Reneé questions as she sits beside me on the couch. I haven't really thought much about anything, to be truthful. I know she's wearing white, I'm wearing white. We're gonna get married and that's really all that matters to me. But I know Reneé wants something big, something fancy.

"I have no idea babe," I admit with a half-hearted smile "whatever you want"

She sighs and keeps scrolling Pinterest on her iPad. I get stuck in a trance, all I can think about right now is her in a wedding dress.

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