57-I'm Gonna Love You Til' My Heart Retires

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**Reneé POV**

Today is the day that I ask Claire to marry me. The last year and a half has been such an emotional rollercoaster for both of us. But, I know in my heart that she is the one I want. The only one I want, for the rest of my life.

"Good morning, babe" she smiles at me as she rolls over to face me, pressing our foreheads together lightly. The sun shines brightly through the windows onto her face as she lays beside me, she looks perfect in this light. In any light, actually, but extra perfect here in this bed with me. 

"Good morning" I say, giving her a small kiss on the forehead. I glance over at the alarm clock on the nightstand and realize we've slept in, late.

"It's almost noon" I giggle, kissing her on the lips now.

"Really? I haven't slept past 10 in like, weeks" she admits with a yawn as she pulls away from our kiss. 

"Sorry I kept you up all night" I tease her, thinking back on the events of last night. I could've gone until the sun came up, but I could tell how sleepy she was getting and I know she'd had a long day traveling. I figured we should be well rested for today anyway, so it's a good thing we slept. Besides, I have a feeling tonight will be even better than last night. Last night I had sex with my girlfriend, tonight I'm going to have sex with my fiancé, it's different.

"We have the afternoon to do whatever we want, but I made dinner reservations for us at a cute restaurant I found and then I thought we could go see the Eiffel Tower once it gets dark?" I tell her, careful not to sound too overly excited about our plans, I don't want to give anything away. I don't think she has any clue what I have planned and I intend to keep it that way.

**Claire POV**

"That sounds perfect babe" I smile at her. This is literally fucking perfect.

"I'm gonna get in the shower so my hair has time to dry, okay?" she tells me.

"Okay" I smile and snuggle back under the covers.

"You don't wanna get in with me?" she teases as she sits up and steps out of bed.

"I wanna sleep a little longer" I whine, pulling the covers over my eyes to shield them from the bright sun shining through the floor to ceiling windows of our hotel room. 

"Go to sleep, baby. I'll wake you back up in an hour" she assures me as she walks to the bathroom. I wait a few minutes until I hear the water turn on and a few minutes after that to make sure she's actually in the shower. I slip out of bed carefully, pulling her ring from my backpack and slipping it into my purse. Once we're at the restaurant, I'll move it from my purse to my coat pocket in the bathroom or something. After zipping it up inside a tiny hidden pocket, I climb back into bed and fall back asleep while she finishes her shower.

**Reneé POV**

I shower quickly and pull my suitcase into the bathroom with me while I get dressed. I rummage through it gently, careful not to make too much noise and wake up Claire. I find the ring and slip it into the inside pocket of my coat before hanging it on the bathroom door. I smile to myself and hold back tears, I am so excited for tonight.

A Few Hours Later

We get ready together, sipping on champagne and listening to music. Lucky for me, Claire actually brought the perfect outfit for the occasion. I didn't want her to get suspicious so I didn't tell her to bring anything fancy, but she did anyway and she looks absolutely stunning

I call us an Uber and we head downstairs to the lobby to wait. I watch Claire fidget anxiously with the rings on her fingers, I can't help but wonder if she knows something is up.

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