56-Every Night I Sleep Underwater

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**Claire POV**

It's been a month since I saw Reneé and to say it didn't almost kill me would be a total and complete lie. I have been more depressed this last month than I ever have my entire life, even with my new medicine. I hate living life without her around, I don't know I managed before. Even from the beginning, she was something I didn't realize I needed. It's like she was a drug, and I was completely addicted to her. I need her like I need air to breathe and every day without her feels like I'm holding my breath. I feel like I'm drowning in our bed and every night I sleep underwater. Her presence, her touch, the sound of her voice when she says my name. I have 6 days in Paris with her, then she's home with me for good. Until the next tour, or movie, that is.

I have 11 hours on this plane and 5 more after that until Reneé's show is done. My plane lands in Paris right after her show starts, so I'm going to Uber to our hotel and try to get some sleep before she finishes the show. I sort of wish I could have caught the last show, but I was worried I may be overwhelmed trying to make it there after a day of traveling. 

I slept the first half of the flight, they woke me up when they served dinner and then I couldn't fall back asleep. While I am excited to see Reneé, I'm also so stoked to be in Europe. This is my first time overseas and while I am slightly terrified, I am equally excited to get a stamp in my new passport. I spend the last hour or so of the flight thinking of all the places I want to travel with Reneé, someday.

My plane lands right on time and as promised, there is a driver waiting for me at the airport. He grabs my bags and ushers me to the car. Before I know it, he's dropping me off in front of the hotel. I had to use Google translate at the front desk, the lady didn't understand that I was checking into an already occupied room, Reneé checked in yesterday and I just needed a second key. Finally, we were able to figure it out and I was on my way to the room. The second I stepped foot inside the room, I could tell Reneé had been there. Clothes and makeup strewn everywhere throughout the room, half empty bottles of champagne littered the coffee table and the bed was not made. I missed her mess, to be honest. I made my way to the bathroom and stepped into the large shower to rinse the sweat and airplane smell off me before I settled into bed to wait for Reneé.

A Few Hours Later

"Hi baby" she whispers into my neck as I start to wake up. I open my eyes and she sits on the bed next to me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. She is so beautiful.

"Babe!" I say, frantically sitting up to pull her into my arms. I hug her tightly, pulling her on top of me. I squeeze her harder, the feeling of her skin on mine is making my head spin. It feels like the first time all over again. She pulls away quickly to speak.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what?" she smirks and our lips collide immediately. Both my hands cradle her face, I cannot get enough of her. Our tongue fight for dominance, I let her win because I don't even care. She kisses me deeply, urgently. Like she's been holding her breath too this entire month. I tear forms and gently slides down my face, running onto hers. I go to wipe it away and realize she's crying too. I finally break our kiss, resting both my hands on her shoulders and staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I missed you so much, you have no idea" I tell her as I wipe away the few tears that have fallen. 

"I missed you too" she tells me before connecting our lips again, I have been waiting for this.

"The boys are all going out, I told them we maybe would go too? Do you want to go or are you tired?"

"I'm not tired but I want to chill tonight I think. You can go though, if you want" I whine, hoping she wants to stay in too.

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