Yeosang runs to school, hoping he won't be late. It's only his second day of his senior year in high school and he had already had to stay up doing homework. "Ugh, I hope I'm not late." He runs faster. Even though it's only the second day of school, the front gates close if you're even one minute late and you're not able to go into the school anymore.

"Ugh, I hate whoever made that stupid rule." Yeosang mumbles as he gets to the gate and he sees it's already closed. "Now what do I do?"

He hears his phone ring and sees his best friend Yunho is calling him. "Hello?"

"Yeosang! Where are you? Class already started and the teacher is asking for you. I asked to go to the bathroom just so I could call you."

"I overslept since I had a lot of work to do. I worked part time yesterday after school and had to do my homework at night."

"I tried waiting for you by the gate so it wouldn't close, but you didn't get here. I was going to be late too."

"It's fine, Yunho. I'll see what I can do." Yeosang sighs and looks up at the gate. "I don't know... maybe I can go to the doctor and get a note. They'd let me in, right?"

"What the hell. You're so extra. Why would you go all the way over there just to get a note?"

"Listen, I'll do anything to get into that school. I've had the perfect attendance ever since pre-k. I'm not just going to let my perfect attendance go down the-"

"What? Yeosang? Are you there?"

"I'll call you back." Yeosang hangs up and sees a guy throw his backpack over the gate before starting to climb up. "Hey, you!" Yeosang stops him.

"Are you talking to me?" The guy gives him a look.

"Can you help me climb over? I can't be late to school. I have the perfect attendance! I can't mess it up."

It seems like this isn't the guys first time climbing the gate since he's able to do it so easily even though it's so high up.

"Why should I help you? What's in it for me?"

"Oh, you're that kind of person..." Yeosang rolls his eyes and the guy jumps off the gate and stands in front of him.

"I don't know... I'll do anything, really. I really can't miss a day of school! This is an emergency, honestly. My attendance is a big deal for me."

"Fine. I don't usually help people, so you owe me one."

"Okay, thanks!" Yeosang smiles and the guy reaches for Yeosang's backpack, then throws it over the gate, taking Yeosang by surprise. "Wait... what if I had something breakable in there?" He frowns.

"Did you?" The guy raises an eyebrow.


"Alright, so nothing to worry about." He tells him. "Come on, get on my back." He bends down a little so Yeosang can get on his back.

Yeosang just looks at him for a few seconds. "Wait, what if I fall? This is kind of scary." He looks up at the giant gate across from him.

"What? You want me to catch you if you fall?"

Yeosang just looks at him for a few seconds and rolls his eyes. "I never said that."

"Then hurry up or I'll leave."

Yeosang sighs before getting on his back and trying to climb up the gate. "Who the hell made this gate so high up." He mumbles and is finally able to climb up and over the gate. He quickly picks up his backpack and starts running into the school. "Thanks for that!" Yeosang yells at him before walking into the school.

The guy climbs over the gate and picks his backpack up before starting to walk in as well.

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