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"Park Seonghwa! Wake up!" Seonghwa feels someone shaking him.

"What time is it?" He tries opening his eyes and reaching for his phone.

"It's 8:00."

"What the hell? Why so early, Hongjoong? It's not like we have school today or anything." He sits up on the bed.

"Yeah, but come on... I asked around and you and Woo are the only ones who know how to cook. He can't do all of this by myself."

"Fine. I'll go wash up and be there in a few."

"You're the best! Love you!" He makes a heart sign before walking out of the room.

After Seonghwa gets ready, he turns to see San is still asleep. He stands by the door for a while before opening it and walking out. This would be the first time he'd be talking to Wooyoung after his confession.

He doesn't know how to face him. He knows they're best friends and he'd have to face him eventually, but he doesn't know if he's ready yet. He really doesn't want things to get awkward between them.

Once he gets to the kitchen, he sees Wooyoung's back facing him as he's making breakfast. Seonghwa slowly walks towards the sink and washes his hands before walking towards where Wooyoung is.

"Good morning." He tells him before taking some ingredients out of the fridge.

"Good morning." Wooyoung says back and continues doing what he was just doing. Seonghwa doesn't know what to say so he just continues cooking. "How was sharing a room with San?" Wooyoung finally breaks the silence.

"I guess it wasn't so bad." Seonghwa tells him. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did... but come on and help me." He tells him and Seonghwa rushes towards him, remembering why he's here in the kitchen in the first place.

"Has Yeji waken up yet?"

"I don't think so. I haven't seen her come out." Wooyoung shakes his head.

"Have you called the agency?"

"No, why would I?"

"To tell them you are debuting." Seonghwa tells him.

"I already said I won't."

"Oh come on. I know we made that promise, but you should debut."

Yeosang comes downstairs and sees Wooyoung and Seonghwa talking so he decides to give them some space and goes outside.

He and Wooyoung had had a talk last night when they shared a room. Wooyoung had asked him to please try and make up his mind on who he wants to be with before either San or Seonghwa get more hurt.

So today that's what Yeosang's going to do. He'll think about it all day and try to make a decision as soon as possible.

Just as he's lost in his thoughts, he feels someone sit down next to him. "Good morning." San tells him and gives him a small smile. "Do you have plans today? Want to hang out?"

"Sure." Yeosang nods. "You know how you told me to go on dates with you and Seonghwa?" He asks and San nods. "I want to try that, but I should also ask Seonghwa if he's okay with it."

"Yeah, I understand." San nods.

"But I don't want to end up leading either one of you on, so I'll go on just one date with him and one date with you. I'll make my decision soon."

"You don't have to feel pressured to decide anytime soon."

"I know, but I still feel bad. I don't want to waste either of your times."

"You wouldn't be wasting my time, Yeo. Like I said, I really like you. Every moment with you is precious to me."

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