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"Can you go find Seonghwa? Hongjoong is going to cut the cake soon and wants to take pictures with everybody. I'll go get Yunho and Mingi." Jongho tells Wooyoung.

"Yeah, okay." Wooyoung nods. He hasn't seen Seonghwa anywhere so he assumes he's in his room.

He quickly makes his way up the stairs and walks over to Seonghwa's room. He knows he should've knocked, but then again, he and Seonghwa are best friends and never knock before walking into their rooms.

But he really should've knocked... because when he opens the door, he sees Seonghwa and Yeosang kissing. His smile fades and he feels his eyes watering.

"What are you doing?" He hears behind him and slowly closes the door before turning to him.

"Oh, I just wanted to rest for a bit, but I guess the room's taken." He tells San.

"Yeah, I brought Yeosang here to rest for a bit, but I'm pretty sure I had locked the door. Why is it opened?"

"I told Seonghwa his room was locked and he gave me his keys." Wooyoung takes his keys out and pretends one of them is the key to Seonghwa's room. "But come on, let's go. Hongjoong's cutting the cake soon. Just let Yeosang rest a little more." He starts walking towards the stairs but sees San walk towards the room, so he quickly rushes over to him and takes his arm. "Come on, Hongjoong wants to take pictures with everyone. Let's go."

"But I got Yeosang some water."

"He's asleep anyway, he won't drink it." Wooyoung lies.

"Okay." San follows Wooyoung downstairs.


When Seonghwa feels Yeosang's lips on top of his, he is so shocked that he can't even move. He just stays still as Yeosang cups his face and leaves small kisses on his lips.

"Stop." He's finally able to say and Yeosang pulls away with a confused look on his face. "Now I know better. I won't give you alcohol next time. You'll just go and kiss anyone."

"What? No." Yeosang frowns, clearly still drunk. "You're not just anyone to me."

"Really? So who am I to you then?" Seonghwa asks, hurt. "Because you clearly like San, so who am I to you? Just a distraction? Just someone you can use to forget about him?"

Seonghwa feels his eyes watering so he quickly turns away from him and starts walking towards the door. "Wait." Yeosang stands up and walks over to him, almost falling.

Seonghwa turns back around and helps him stay up. "Yeosang, go lay down. You need to rest more."

"But you're mad at me." He frowns.

"I'm not mad. Come on." He takes his arm and walks over to the bed. He helps Yeosang lay down again, then sits down on the chair. "I'll stay here until you fall asleep again. Is that better?" He asks and Yeosang nods and smiles, then closes his eyes.

Is Seonghwa mad? No. He wouldn't say he's angry... he's hurt. He knows Yeosang is drunk and drunk people sometimes do things they wouldn't do when they're sober, but he can't help but feel hurt.

After a while, Yeosang falls asleep and Seonghwa's about to stand up, but sees the door open. San walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

"Oh, you were here?"

"Yeah, I was just about to leave." Seonghwa stands up. Even though it's his room, he doesn't feel comfortable being in here right now.

"When did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago."

"Oh." San just nods and walks over to the chair, then sits down. "I hope you don't mind if we stay here for a few more minutes. I'll just wait for Yeosang to wake up and take him home."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Has he not woken up at all?" He asks him.

"No, he's been asleep the whole time." Seonghwa lies. "He must've had a lot of drinks."

"Well, thanks for watching him while I was gone. I just went to get him some water really quick, but then I saw Wooyoung and he told me to go take pictures with Hongjoong. That's why I was gone for a little longer, so thanks for watching him."

"Why should you thank me?" Seonghwa asks in a cold tone, taking San by surprise.

"Well no, I was just-"

"Are you his boyfriend? No, right? And I'm Yeosang's friend too. I didn't do this for you at all so why should you thank me?"

"Calm down, I was just saying."

Seonghwa just rolls his eyes before walking out of the room.

"What's his problem?" San asks, confused, then turns to Yeosang. "Yeo, how much did you drink to be so passed out like this?" He takes Yeosang's hand. "I'm sorry for not being ready for a relationship. I really wanted to take things slow, but it seems like that isn't something you want. Come on, sober up so we can finally be together, okay? I know you won't wait for me forever and I'm sure that I really like you so there's no point in waiting anymore." He leans in to kiss Yeosang's cheek.

And Yeosang just heard everything he said. He's actually been awake all this time. He only pretended to be asleep to hide the embarrassment he feels after kissing Seonghwa.

The kiss clearly sobered him up and even though it seems like he and San are so close to being together, he's now questioning himself and his feelings.

Was it just the alcohol? Or could it be that he also has feelings for Seonghwa?

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