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Since Seonghwa had also agreed that it was a good idea to go on a date with both of them, today it would be Yeosang's date with San and then tomorrow would be his date with Seonghwa.

"Where are we going?" Yeosang asks San once he gets in the car. San had borrowed one of Hongjoong's cars.

"It's a surprise."

"But I'm impatient." He frowns.

"It's not too far from here so don't worry."

"Okay." Yeosang just nods and tries to be patient.

Once they get to the place, Yeosang gasps. "Do you know how to ice skate?"

"Nope." San tells him. "I've actually never even tried to do this before."

"This is going to be so much fun!" Yeosang rushes inside and San can't help but smile.

Once San pays and they put their skates on, Yeosang rushes towards the ice and skates for a while as San watches him.

But San's thoughts are interrupted when he feels himself fall on the ice. "San!" Yeosang rushes towards him and reaches for his hands. "Come on, hold my hand and I'll help you."

"Okay." San takes his hand as he slowly starts getting up. "You made it look so easy just now, but I couldn't even stay up for a minute... and I was just standing." He says and they both laugh.

"Come on, just copy what I'm doing. I'll hold your hand just in case, okay?"

San just nods and tries his best not to fall. Then again, he doesn't feel scared anymore since he knows Yeosang will catch him if he does.

"How did you learn how to ice skate?"

"Wait, so you didn't know I knew how to?" Yeosang raises an eyebrow. "What were we supposed to do if I didn't know?"

"We could've fallen together? I don't know." San shrugs.

Yeosang can't help but smile. "Well, you're lucky I know how to. I've actually really liked ice skating and skating in general ever since I was little, so I kept trying until I ended up learning how to."

"You must've fallen a lot."

"Yeah, actually." He nods. "I'm surprised I kept trying even after falling."


Right after ice skating, they both get hungry so they end up going to a restaurant.

"It's so beautiful here, don't you think?" San asks him. "I'm so glad Hongjoong invited us. We wouldn't be here if he wouldn't have."

"Yeah, I've had a lot of fun." Yeosang nods. "I didn't think I'd be going on dates when I accepted to come here... but it's nice." He admits.

"I just hope you know that Seonghwa and I are okay with you taking your time in deciding, okay? You shouldn't feel pressured. We'll both accept your decision. I had a talk with him and we both agreed to."

"Yeah, I know." Yeosang nods. "And I'll definitely make sure I'm 100% sure about my decision. It's just that I feel bad. And I feel like the more dates I go on with you guys, the more confused I'll get and the more hurt one of you will be." He frowns.

"Okay, let's not talk about that." San tells him.

"Why don't we ask each other questions?" Yeosang asks him. "Like maybe... when did you realize you liked me?"

"Remember that time I asked you to go to the park with me? The time I asked what your ideal type was?" San asks and Yeosang nods.

"Since then?" Yeosang asks him. "Wow, I must've been so oblivious."

"When did you realize?"

"I think it was that one time we went halloween shopping." Yeosang tells him. "Maybe I already liked you before, but I realized until that day."

"I know I messed it all up." San looks down. "If only I would've confessed earlier and had been ready for a relationship."

"It's fine, San. There's no need to blame yourself for that. I like to think that everything happens for a reason."


To end their date, they go back to Hongjoong's house, but instead of going inside, they stay outside, sitting by the beach.

"I had a lot of fun today." San tells him and Yeosang agrees.

"I did too."

"Regardless of who you end up choosing after your date with Seonghwa tomorrow, I just hope that we can all stay friends." He tells him. "And... I got you this." He hands him a box and Yeosang looks down at it before opening it.

He opens it to see a beautiful bracelet. "Wow, it's so beautiful." Yeosang gasps.

"Even if you choose Seonghwa, I'd like you to wear it. If he's okay with it, of course. It doesn't have to be a relationship bracelet. It could be a friendship bracelet. I have one too." He shows him his hand.

"Okay." Yeosang nods and puts it on. "It's beautiful, San. Thank you."

San looks down and can't help but blush and smile. This bracelet did cost quite a lot, but he's glad he bought it.

After looking up at the sky for a while, Yeosang turns to look at San and notices he's already looking at him. Without realizing it, San starts leaning in and Yeosang stays still.

San ends up kissing the side of his lips, a little too close to his lips. "Goodnight, Yeo."

Happy With You | seongsang/sansangWhere stories live. Discover now