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"So Seonghwa didn't make it into the debut lineup?" Hongjoong looks down and sighs as they're all gathered in the living room. All of them except Seonghwa and Yeosang.

"No." Wooyoung shakes his head. "And I... did."

"Really? That's great." Jongho tells him. "I mean of course it's bittersweet, but at least your hard work paid off."

"No, it's not great. I won't join that group if it's not with Seonghwa. We promised to debut together. I can't join without him."

"You need to realize that Seonghwa will feel guilty if you give up on this opportunity. It'll be worse for him than if you do decide to join." Yunho tells him.

"Yeah, you were already chosen as one of the members, so why not just follow your dreams? You're finally going to achieve them."

"Yeah, but without Seonghwa I can't achieve them. We promised to debut together." He repeats.

"You just need to calm down a little and think this through. You're not thinking clearly right now. Don't rush your decision or you might regret it later on." San tells him.

"Yeah, they're all right, Woo. Just go get some rest."

"I need to talk to Seonghwa first." He stands up and San quickly stands up as well since he was going to go out and look for Yeosang anyway.

Once they get out of the house, they look around and end up seeing them hugging each other. San turns to Wooyoung and sees the pain in his eyes.

"You like him, don't you?" San asks him.

Wooyoung looks away from them and looks down at the ground. "And how about you? You like Yeosang, don't you?"

"Yeah, I won't deny that." San nods. "But because I like him, even though it hurts, I know I should let him go. It seems like we've lost our chances with them... so what I'm saying is... don't let this crush you have on Seonghwa stop you from achieving your dreams. I know you must feel guilty right now, but you'll feel worse later on if you give this up." San tells him before walking away from him and going back into the house.

He knows he had just talked to Yeosang and told him he'd wait for him. And no, he wasn't lying about that, but should he really wait? By what he just saw, he clearly likes Seonghwa, maybe even loves him, and it seems like Seonghwa does too.

Wooyoung follows him inside and closes the door behind him. He had never really gotten to talk to San, but he admits the advice he just gave him was good.

Wooyoung remembers how he had confessed his feelings to Seonghwa earlier today. He doesn't regret it, but he feels really upset that he didn't realize just how much Seonghwa likes Yeosang.


"I won't debut without you." Wooyoung shakes his head. "We promised to debut together. I can't do this."

"Woo, please. You made it, okay? And I'm so happy for you. There's no one who deserves this more than you. You've worked so hard and-"

"You've worked so hard too. You worked even harder than me who was slacking off and zoning off at times. I just feel guilty."

"Please don't give up on this dream because of me. I promise I'll debut soon too, okay? I'll debut in another group. I won't give up so easily."

"But-" Wooyoung feels tears roll down his cheeks.

"I'll support you no matter what, okay? I'll cheer you on and won't miss a single concert of yours. Make me proud and debut, Woo."

"I love you." Wooyoung blurts out, not being able to stop himself anymore. "I can't debut without you because... I love you."


"Yeah, you were the one I was talking about on Hongjoong's birthday. It was you I was talking about, not Hongjoong. I know you like Yeosang, but I just can't help but feel this way. I know you've only ever seen me as a friend, but if you just gave me a chance-"


Seonghwa and Yeosang pull away from the hug and shyly look down at the sand as they pick some up. "Let's make a sandcastle." Yeosang tells him, trying to cheer him up.

"Should we?" Seonghwa asks and he nods. "Alright." They get closer to the water so they can reach the wet sand.

"I don't think I'm doing this right." Yeosang tries making the sandcastle but fails.

"It's fine, I'll help you." Seonghwa moves closer to him and reaches for some sand before putting it on top of the sand Yeosang already had. Yeosang looks at him and can't help but smile when he sees how concentrated he is on making this sandcastle.

"What? Is something wrong?" Seonghwa notices him staring at him. Yeosang just ignores him and stands up before splashing some water on him. "Hey!" Seonghwa also splashes some water on him and laughs when Yeosang frowns and covers his eyes.

After Yeosang stays like that for a few seconds, Seonghwa quickly rushes over to him and gently takes his hands off of his face. "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I kind of got carried away." Yeosang looks up at him and can't help but smile. "What? Did you do this on purpose?"

Yeosang quickly splashes water on him again. "Oh, how did you know?"

"Oh, come on. You know your tears are my weakn-" Seonghwa stops himself and looks up at the sky. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He says after a while.

"Yeah..." Yeosang just nods. He doesn't know if Seonghwa really thought the moon was beautiful or if he meant it as in 'I love you', but regardless, Yeosang wasn't able to stop himself. "I like you." He tells him, making Seonghwa look back down at him.


"I know it seems weird and it might seem like I'm joking since I was just talking to you about San the other day. I'd be lying if I said I had no feelings left for him, but you've just really been on my mind lately. I can't help but think about you every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up. I get worried when I see you're not around and I get sad when I see you cry. I know I've been pretending I don't remember, but I do. I know I kissed you at the party. I guess my drunk self admitted what my sober self didn't want to admit. I like you."

Yeosang feels his heart beating faster as Seonghwa cups his face and slowly starts leaning in. But before their lips touch, Seonghwa stops leaning in. "I love you, pumpkin. And I'll wait for you. I'll wait until you get your feelings sorted out. And even if my heart gets broken at the end, I won't regret a single thing. I'll wait for you because you're worth waiting for."

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