"Kang Yeosang, why are you late?" The teacher asks him as soon as he walks into the classroom.

"I'm so sorry." He apologizes and stops walking.

"I'll let it slide since it's only the second day of school. Go take a seat."

"Thank you." He quickly walks over to his seat and sits down next to Yunho before taking his notebook, textbook, and pen out.

The classroom door opens but Yeosang doesn't look up since he's too busy taking notes.

"Park Seonghwa, it's only the second day of school and you've already been late twice in a row?"

"What can I say? It takes time to look this good." He points at himself and the girls in the classroom giggle.

Yeosang looks up and realizes he's the guy from a few minutes ago. Yunho notices Yeosang looking at something so he turns to where he's looking, then looks back at him.

"Yeo, stop staring at him." He whispers. "I've heard he's the bad boy in school. I've heard he gets the worst grades since he does no work or pays attention in class and I've heard he's rude."

"Who did you hear that from?" Yeosang whispers.

"Jongho told me about him last year. He had a class with him. He said he was really rude."

"Really?" Yeosang asks, confused. 'He didn't seem so bad.' He thinks to himself.

Seonghwa walks over to them and sits down behind Yeosang at the empty desk.

Just as Yeosang's about to look back down at his notebook, the classroom door opens and he sees someone he had never seen before.

"Good morning, you must be the new student." The teacher tells him and welcomes him in. "Choi San, right?"

"Yes." He nods and gives her a small smile as he nervously looks around the classroom.

"You may sit next to Yeosang and Yunho. Please let him know what page we're on, Yeosang." She tells him before looking back down at the textbook and continuing the lesson.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm San." He tells them and sits next to Yeosang.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yeosang and this is Yunho."

"Nice to meet you." Yunho tells him and San smiles back at him before taking his textbook out. "So what page are we on?"

"268." Yeosang tells him.

"Thanks." San turns the page and Yeosang just nods and looks back down at the textbook.

Seonghwa takes his headphones out of his backpack and puts them on before laying his head on the table. The lesson is especially boring today.

"Park Seonghwa, pay attention." The teacher tells him, making everyone in the class turn to him.

Since he's wearing headphones, he doesn't hear anything until his best friend Hongjoong slaps the back of his head.

But Seonghwa is unbothered. He pretends he felt nothing and continues resting his head on his desk.

"Yeosang, could you please wake him up?" The teacher asks him since Seonghwa sits behind him.

'Why would she ask me when there's someone sitting next to him?' He mentally sighs. "Sure, miss." He turns around and sees Seonghwa's asleep. 'If he wanted to sleep and listen to music, why didn't he just stay home?' Yeosang rolls his eyes and taps his back.

"Class go back to reading." The teacher tells them and they all turn their attention away from Seonghwa.

Seonghwa doesn't move, so Yeosang keeps tapping him until Seonghwa takes his arm, catching Yeosang by surprise.

Yeosang's eyes widen when he sees how close they are and they end up making eye contact for a few seconds. Seonghwa ends up letting go of his arm and takes his headphones off. "Did you need something?"

"Sorry... the teacher told me to wake you up." Yeosang turns back around to face the front of the classroom.

He looked kind of scary. Yeosang will never listen to the teacher again if she asks him to wake him up ever again.

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