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"Hey." San sits down next to Yeosang and Yunho does as well. "I heard you broke your arm." San tells Seonghwa. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He just nods. He and San had talked a few days ago. Seonghwa mostly ignored him, but San keeps trying to talk to him.

"I heard you're a trainee." Yunho tells him. "That's really cool. I wanted to be an idol too, but it's too much work. No wonder you don't pay attention in class or do your work."

"Yunho..." Yeosang elbows him.

"Whatever." Seonghwa stands up and picks up his tray with his left hand before starting to walk away.

"Yunho! Why would you say that?" Yeosang asks him.

"What? It's the truth."

Yeosang is about to stand up and follow Seonghwa, but he sees another guy take take his tray from him.

"Hwa, I'll help you." He tells him.

Yeosang sees he looks familiar but he doesn't remember where he's seen him before.

"Thanks, Woo."

'Woo?' Yeosang thinks to himself. 'Right... he's the waiter from the coffee shop.'

Yeosang sits back down next to San and starts eating.

"Yeosang... I understand you feel like it's your fault, but I don't think you should be chasing after him all the time. By the looks of it, it looks like there are other people who can help him." San tells him.

"Still... I was the one who pushed him."

"I agree with San, but if taking care of him makes you feel better, just do it. It'll only be two weeks after all." Yunho tells him. "I should get going. Being the number one in our class requires hard work after all." He picks up his tray and stands up before walking away.

"I think I should go check up on Seo-"

"Yeosang, do you want to go get ice cream?"

"What? Right now?" He asks him and San nods.

"But class starts in a few minutes. I don't think we'd make it back on time."

"So how about we go after school? Before our shift starts? We only have one class left right now anyway."

"Sounds good." Yeosang nods. "Alright."


The next day, Yeosang gets to school earlier than usual, but stands by the gate. He knows Seonghwa will most likely be late to school, but how is he supposed to climb over the gate?

He knows that if he waits for him, he'll probably be late as well and then how will both of them climb over the gate? He should've probably asked for his phone number. What if he's already in the school?

"Are you planning on staying here all day?" He hears a voice behind him, which startles him. "You're going to be late, darling... and then who will help you?"

"I just got here... I was waiting for a friend." He lies.

"Well, good luck with that. Looks like your friend will be late and make you late too." Seonghwa walks away from him and starts walking towards the school.

"Wait!" Yeosang follows him. "I'll just go since I don't want to be late."

"Why are you telling me?" Seonghwa turns to him and raises an eyebrow.

"Just because..." Yeosang shrugs. "I'll help you with your backpack." He's about to take it off of him, but Seonghwa stops him.

"I can do it."

Yeosang sighs in frustration. "If you keep this up, I'll seriously make you break your other arm!" He yells at him. "Just let me help!"

Seonghwa looks at him with a surprised look on his face. "Okay okay, take it."

Yeosang takes it from him and they continue walking towards the school. "Wow, didn't think the bad boy would be scared of me." Yeosang chuckles.

"Not necessarily scared, babe, but if that helps you sleep at night."

Yeosang stops walking for a while, before catching up to him again. "Hey, you need to stop calling me that."

"What? Oh, you mean... babe? Darling? No, I like those."

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