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"I can't believe you fucking made me throw my ice cream!" Hongjoong yells at Seonghwa. "What did I witness?! I was so shocked!"

"What are you talking about?" Seonghwa crosses his arms over his chest and pretends he doesn't know.

"Why were you touching Yeosang's face?! I had honestly noticed you two were close before, but I thought it was just because he felt bad about breaking your arm! But what the hell was that?! What at are you not telling us, Park Seonghwa?!"

The three of them had left the park and had started walking towards Seonghwa's house.

"It's nothing." Seonghwa tells them. "A leaf fell on his head and I just took it off."

"Oh really? Cause if it was me or Wooyoung, you would've just left it there!"

"Is it really nothing?" Wooyoung asks after a while. "It seems like you have a soft spot for that boy."

"It's really nothing, guys. You're overreacting at this point."

"Then why are you so nice to him? Do we need to remind you that you were so rude to me and Wooyoung when we first met? And with Yeosang you've been nice to him since the beginning! Literally everyone at school is scared to talk to you, but you've been nice to this boy since the moment you met him."

"Just stop overthinking. It's nothing."


"So... Halloween is coming up. Have you thought about what costume you're wearing this year?" San asks Yeosang once they get to the mall.

They came to the mall since they made plans to hang out during the weekend. They both have the day off from work and don't have school today. Yunho didn't come along since he's hanging out with his boyfriend Mingi today.

"I don't usually go trick or treating. I stay in my house and give out candy."

"Really? I love going trick or treating. Are you giving out candy this year too? Why don't you go trick or treating with me?"

"I kind of get scared really easily. I don't like going to peoples houses on Halloween. Most of them are decorated with really scary things."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." San tells him. "I'll protect you."

Yeosang looks at him for a few seconds, a little surprised that he said that. He quickly turns away from him when he feels his heart starting to beat faster.

"It's fine. I'll just stay home and give candy. You can come over if you want. I give out lots of candy."

"Sure, I'll come over... And who knows? Maybe I'll be able to convince you to go trick or treating with me."

"I haven't gone in years. I don't think being able to convince me will be easy."

"Of course I won't force you, but I think you should think about it. It'd be fun. If you get too scared, I'd get you out of there, so don't worry. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

Yeosang and San look at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything. Not realizing what he's doing, San starts slowly leaning in.

Yeosang's eyes widen and just as their lips are about to touch, his phone rings. "Sorry, I have to get this." He tells him before taking a few steps away from him.

San just nods and walks into a store. He starts looking for some clothes he can buy and sighs. 'I'm such an idiot! Why did I do that?!' He thinks to himself.

As he's walking around the store, he ends up bumping into a girl from school.

"Oh, hey San." She smiles at him. "Are you here by yourself?"

"Oh hey, Karina... No, I actually came here with a friend."

"Really?" She looks around. "By the way, I was wondering... would you like to go trick or treating with me for halloween? My friends don't like going and I can't seem to be able to convince them. I'd go alone, but you see... haunted houses scare me. I don't really know who else to ask."

"Really? You're really popular, I'm sure a lot of people would go with you."

"That's a no, I guess." She frowns.

"Oh, no I didn't say that." He shakes his head. "If you want, I can go with you." He tells her, not wanting to seem mean if he said no.

"Great! See you then."

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