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"I finished fixing everything on the shelves." San tells Yeosang after a while and stands behind the other cash register.

"Good job." Yeosang smiles at him. "Now we just have to wait for more customers."

"Is it usually like this?"

"No, there's usually a lot of people. Maybe it's because school just started and they're just now coming out. In the summer there was a lot of people."

"Oh." San just nods. "By the way... we're friends now, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Why do you ask?"

"Would you like to hang out later? Maybe after our shift?"

"Hang out?" He asks and San nods. "I mean... I would like to, but after work I don't really have time to do anything. I have to get home and do my homework."

"So why don't we do it now?"


"I mean... there's no one here right now, and if we do our homework together we can finish it more quickly, don't you think?"

"Well, that doesn't sound like a bad idea." Yeosang nods.

"Did you bring your backpack?"

"Yeah, it's over here." He reaches for it and they both start doing their homework.

Yeosang notices that San is really smart. They both take turns answering different questions so they're able to finish faster.

"I see you know how to do math really well. What was your rank in your old school, if you don't mind me asking?" Yeosang asks him.

"I was in second place. What about you?"

"Really? I'm second place here." Yeosang tells him.

"Who's first?"

"My friend Yunho. The one that sits next to me on the other side."

"Oh." San nods. "He must be really smart."

After a few hours, their shift ends and they both take their backpacks before walking out of the store.

"Do you want to go eat something?" San asks him.

"Yeah, sure. I know a coffee shop around here that has the best cakes! They're so good." Yeosang tells him. "Want to go there or a restaurant?"

"I think the coffee shop is just fine." He tells him. "Let's go."

After a few minutes of walking, they finally get to the coffee shop and take a seat. "There's a really delicious chocolate cake, but if you don't like chocolate, they also have many different kinds. My personal favorite is the chocolate cake, though."

"I love chocolate, so I'll definitely order that." San tells him.

"Hello, welcome." One of the waiters tells them. "I'm Wooyoung, may I take your order?" They both order and Wooyoung writes it down on his small notebook. "Okay, I'll be right back." He says before walking away.

"By the way... earlier I saw the guy from our English class... what was his name again?" San thinks for a while. "Seonghwa? He went to the store, right?"

"Oh... yeah." Yeosang nods.

"Are you friends with him? I heard people saying he's the bad boy at school. Not saying I believe in rumors or anything, but... just wondering."

"Oh... I wouldn't say we're friends. I actually just met him today."

"Really?" He asks and Yeosang nods.

"About the bad boy rumors, I assume they're true. It seems like he doesn't care about school. He doesn't pay attention and sleeps during class. He doesn't do his work or anything."

"Maybe there might be a reason? I don't really like judging someone before getting to know them."

"Here you go." Wooyoung comes back with their orders.

"Thank you." They both thank him before starting to eat.

"Wow, you were right. This chocolate cake is delicious."

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