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'What should I do? What should I do?' Yeosang stands in front of the restroom's mirror. He doesn't know if he should pretend he doesn't remember the kiss or if he should just apologize to Seonghwa and tell him it was a mistake since he was so drunk.

He hasn't seen Seonghwa all day other than this morning when they were talking about going to Hongjoong's beach house. For some reason he hasn't gone to any of the classes they have together.

But once Yeosang gets to his next class, his eyes widen when he sees Seonghwa sitting in his seat already. 'What should I do?' He thinks to himself and decides to pretend not to remember anything. He think it'll make it more awkward if he apologizes to him about it.

"Hey, Seonghwa." Yeosang sits down next to him since there aren't any other available seats anymore.

"Hey, pumpkin." Seonghwa replies. He had also decided to pretend nothing happened last night. Maybe Yeosang doesn't even remember and he doesn't want to make it awkward between them by letting him know. "So are you going to Hongjoong's beach house?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I just need to ask for permission at work."

"I'm sure they'll give you permission. It's not like you'll leave for a week." He tells him and Yeosang just looks at him for a few seconds and nods.

He doesn't know why Seonghwa's pretending nothing happened last night, but it's not like he wants him to bring it up. He's sure that if he does, he'll probably tell him to stop kissing just anyone when he's drunk. Plus, he doesn't even know if Seonghwa likes guys.

He still can't believe he just kissed him out of nowhere. He will never drink again. He feels so embarrassed right now and can't even face him, but must do so or else Seonghwa would realize he remembers.


San had asked Yeosang out on another date. He was planning to ask him to be his boyfriend today and he wanted everything to be perfect. Hopefully they can be an official couple by the time they go to Hongjoong's beach house.

He had brought Yeosang to an amusement park and they were walking around. They had bought food, gotten on rides, and had bought the biggest cotton candy that they had ever seen, and ended up sharing it.

"Here." San takes the cotton candy and gives it to Yeosang. "Can you believe we're already leaving tomorrow? It'll be so much fun."

"Definitely. I've actually never gone on a vacation like this with friends before. I've been friends with Yunho for a really long time, but this is our first time going on a trip together."

"It's always good to try new things. That's how you actually find out if you like something or not. You said you didn't drink, didn't dance, and parties weren't really your thing, but you did all that in Hongjoong's party and it seemed like you were having fun."

Yeosang just fakes a smile and looks away from him. He doesn't want to think about that day and how embarrassed he still feels about what he did.

As they're walking, San nervously takes his hand out of his pocket and slowly reaches for Yeosang's hand. But before he can, he turns to look at him. "Can I hold your hand?" He decides to ask. Just two days ago he had tried hugging him and it seemed like it made Yeosang uncomfortable, so it's better to ask.

"Sure." Yeosang nods and San happily holds his hand.

"There's something I wanted to tell you." San tells him when he realizes it's already dark and they should get going soon. "But before that, how about we go to the arcade?"

"Let's go." Yeosang nods and pulls San towards the arcade.

"I can definitely beat you at this." San tells him when they reach a fighting game.

"Oh, you think? Game on." Yeosang sits on the stool and San sits down next to him. They start playing and Yeosang presses all the buttons as fast as he can but still ends up losing anyway. "This is not fair." He frowns.

San turns to him as Yeosang looks at the screen, and smiles. They end up playing a few more rounds before Yeosang ends up giving up and crosses his arm over his chest and frowns. He thought he was good at this game, but San is clearly better.

"Aww, come on." San pouts. "Are you mad?"


"You clearly are. Come on, don't be mad. I'm sure you'll get better next time." Since Yeosang doesn't say anything, San stops walking and stands in front of him. "What can I do to make you less upset? Do you want... a kiss?"

Yeosang's eyes widen and he panics, taking a step away from him.

"Yeo, I was just kidding. Plus, I meant a kiss on the cheek." San says, nervously.

"Oh... right." Yeosang nods. It's just that ever since Hongjoong's party, whenever the word 'kiss' is mentioned, he can't help but think about... "Wasn't the debut lineup being announced today?" He changes the subject. "I should probably call Seonghwa. I'm sure he made it."

'Isn't that Seonghwa?' San thinks to himself when he sees someone sitting on a bench nearby. 'What is he doing here?'

"Yeosang, there's something I want to ask you." San quickly tells him, making Yeosang put his phone away. He takes his hands and looks up at him. "I've been meaning to ask you since the day of the party, but didn't have a chance. I know I said I wasn't ready for a relationship and seemed so scared of starting a new one, but I've realized that I just really like you and there's nothing else for me to think about."

Honestly, he's lately been noticing that Yeosang's feelings for him are not fully there, and he doesn't want to lose him. He doesn't know who the person he's starting to like is, but he assumes it's Seonghwa. And the sooner they're together, the less he'll have to worry about when they go on the trip tomorrow night. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

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