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~ Days Later ~

After two weeks of Yeosang taking care of him, Seonghwa is finally able to take his arm cast off. It feels good to be able to move his arm again and go back to training.

Once he gets to the practice room, he puts his bag and water bottle down before going to the center of the room and facing the mirror.

"Park Seonghwa, I see you're back. Did your arm finally heal? It was about time, no?"

Seonghwa turns around and sees Hyunwoo, another trainee. "What do you want?" Seonghwa rolls his eyes, trying to ignore him and go back to practicing.

"I see your piece of gum didn't follow you today."

"Piece of gum?"

"That guy that's been following you around like a piece of gum lately. He didn't come today? Did he find someone else to stick around to already?"

"Watch your mouth." Seonghwa glares at him.

"Why? Is he someone special, Park? Or do you like him because he's easy?"

"I said watch your fucking mouth." Seonghwa grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "He's not like that." He pushes him before grabbing his things and walking out of the practice room. He'll just come practice later.

He decides to go to the convenience store to check if Yeosang's there. Once Seonghwa gets there, he stops outside the door and sees Yeosang's in there with San. He notices San is fixing Yeosang's hair and they're standing really close to each other.

Seonghwa sighs before turning around and walking away.


As San is fixing his hair, Yeosang doesn't know where to look. He tries looking at San, but feels awkward, so he looks away.

"There." San tells him. "Why don't you try this hairstyle as well? You always have your bangs down."

"Really? Should I?" Yeosang looks at his reflection through his phones camera. "Does it look good?" He asks San.

"Yeah, it does." San nods. "You still looked cute with your bangs down, but I think trying other hairstyles is always good."

"You're right." Yeosang nods. "I like how I look."

"By the way... I've been meaning to tell you something. Can we go somewhere and talk after our shift?"

"Yeah, sure."

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