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"Hey, what are you two doing?" Mingi asks Seonghwa and Yeosang when he walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, we're getting a drink." Seonghwa tells him and takes the two cups before giving one to Yeosang.

"Wait, I don't drink." Yeosang tells him.

"Don't worry, it doesn't have alcohol."

"You don't like drinking?" Mingi asks Yeosang and he shakes his head. "You should try it sometime. It's fun." He fills up the two cups he has in his hands before walking out of the kitchen.

Yeosang thinks about it for a while and hands his cup back to Seonghwa. "I want alcohol."

"Huh?" Seonghwa asks, surprised. "All of a sudden?"

"I've heard it makes you forget. At least for a little while." He looks down. "I want to feel like that."

"Are you sure?" He asks and Yeosang nods. "What do you want to forget? What happened? I thought you were happy with San and-"

"We're actually not together yet." Yeosang tells him and Seonghwa tries hiding his smile. "We agreed to take things slow and get to know each other more... but it's been almost two weeks now and I'm not sure how much more I can wait." He sighs. "I talked to him about it and hinted that I wanted us to become a couple, but he said he's not ready yet. So give me alcohol now." He demands.

"I don't know..." Seonghwa thinks about it for a while.

"Come on... you told me to have fun. Let me have a drink. Or do you want me to go back to the couch and sit there alone?"

"Okay fine, but just one."


One became two, two became three, then more, and Yeosang was now beyond wasted.

"Yeosang, get down." Seonghwa tries getting Yeosang down the table since he's dancing while standing on it. "Where the hell is San?" He mumbles and looks around. "I didn't think you'd get drunk after a few drinks." He sighs.

"I'm not drunk!"

"Then get down from there."

"But I'm having so much fun..." He frowns.

"What's going on here?" San walks into the kitchen and notices Yeosang's standing on the table. "Did you get him drunk?"

"It wasn't on purpose. I didn't think he'd get drunk so fast. I left for a little while and I think he drank half of the bottle."

"Yeo, get down from there." He reaches for his hand and Yeosang gets down the table.

"Sannie, you're here." He smiles and rests his head on his shoulder.

Seonghwa would be lying if he said this didn't hurt him. He was trying to get Yeosang down from there for about half an hour but he didn't listen, and as soon as San asks him to get down he does it.

"You take care of him now." Seonghwa can't hold it anymore and walks out of the kitchen.

San watches him walk out, then turns to Yeosang. "Why did you get so drunk?" He asks him.

"Because I wanted to." Yeosang rolls his eyes. "I didn't think I had to explain myself to you."

"Yeo, what's wrong?" San asks, confused. "Are you mad at me? You've been a little distant lately."

"Me? Mad? Of course not." He reaches for his cup but San takes it away from him. "Hey!"

"I thought you didn't like drinking. Why are you like this all of a sudden? Is it because... I told you I wasn't ready for a relationship?"

Yeosang stays quiet for a while before answering. "I just wanted to have fun." He lies. "There's a first to everything, okay? Just because I got drunk it doesn't mean it's because I'm mad or anything."

"Well, you're really drunk so let's take you to a room so you can rest. I'll take you home later."

"I don't want to." Yeosang frowns but San picks him up and starts carrying him upstairs.

San ends up opening a room but sees Mingi and Yunho are already in there. "Is Yeosang drunk?" Yunho asks him when he sees Yeosang fell asleep on San's shoulder.

"Yeah." San nods.

"I think Seonghwa's room is empty. It's the one in the middle."

"Is he okay?" San points at Mingi who's sleeping.

"Yeah, he just got really wasted so I'm letting him rest for a bit."

"How did you even get him up here?"

"Oh, Jongho helped me."

"Well, okay. I guess I'll take Yeosang to Seonghwa's room." San closes the door and looks around. There's a few other rooms in this house, but it seems like they're all taken so he ends up taking Yeosang to Seonghwa's room.

Once he walks in, he closes the door behind him. "Did you fall asleep?" He tries turning to look at Yeosang. "I guess you did." He sighs.

He then lays him down on the bed and pulls a chair to sit down next to him. "I'll let you rest for a while and then I'm taking you home, okay?" He leans in to kiss his forehead before standing up. "I'll be right back." He walks towards the door and opens it. He makes sure to lock it before closing it and going downstairs. He'll just ask Seonghwa for the key later.

It's not that he doesn't trust the other guys. He clearly trusts the six other guys, but the problem is that they're not the only people in this party.

"Where's Yeosang?" Hongjoong asks him when San gets to the kitchen.

"He's upstairs in a room. I came to get him some water."

"You locked the door, right?"

"Yeah, of course." San nods.

"Okay because I'm cutting the cake right now. Stay for a while."

"Alright." He nods.

Since Seonghwa had forgotten his phone in his room, he goes upstairs and notices his room is locked. "Huh? Why is it locked?" He tries turning the doorknob again. "When did I lock it?"

He reaches in his pocket for his keys and unlocks the door. He walks in and closes it behind him, then looks around for his phone and notices Yeosang's sleeping in his bed.

"Pumpkin?" He looks at him for a while but then continues trying to find his phone. Once he finds it, he picks it up, then walks over to Yeosang and sits down on the chair beside him. "I really didn't think you'd get drunk so fast. I shouldn't have left you alone. You probably had a lot of drinks." He frowns.

He leans in and is about to kiss his forehead, but stops himself, realizing he can't even do that. As he's still close to Yeosang's face, Yeosang ends up opening his eyes and gives him a confused look. Seonghwa is startled and isn't able to move away as he feels his heart beating faster.

"S-sorry I was just-" He tries to come up with something but nothing comes out.

As he's about to move away from him, he's even more shocked when Yeosang pulls him closer and presses his lips against his.

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