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A few days pass and during lunch, Yeosang sat at a table with San, Yunho, and Yunho's boyfriend Mingi. Yunho's friend, Jongho, and Seonghwa's friend, Hongjoong, had also started sitting with them.

And again, Seonghwa had stopped coming to the cafeteria and was nowhere to be seen.

"Aww, you guys look so cute." Jongho tells Yeosang and San. "When did you start dating?"

"Oh... thanks." Yeosang smiles shyly since he and San aren't in a relationship yet.

"You seemed a little closer to Seo-" Mingi starts, but Yunho elbows him.

"Oww- what?" He touches his arm in pain.

"That's a little unnecessary to say." Yunho whispers to him and Mingi just nods understandingly. "But anyway... yes, I'm still a little surprised they're dating. They haven't known each other for too long, but you know... sometimes people fall in love at first sight. It exists."

"Oh, we aren't-" Yeosang starts but gets cut off by Hongjoong.

"How long have you two been dating, by the way?" Hongjoong asks Yunho and Mingi.

"It's been three years." Yunho says happily. "But we've been friends since before middle school."

"Wow, that's so cute." Hongjoong tells them. "It honestly seems like you two are the perfect couple. I'd really like to have a relationship like yours."

"I mean... there's no such thing as a perfect couple." Mingi tells him. "But yeah, I guess our relationship is almost perfect. The only reason it's not one hundred percent perfect is because I make Yunho angry sometimes."

"Oh don't just blame yourself." Yunho playfully hits him. "I make you angry sometimes too."

"Anyway... let's go get lunch." Jongho stands up.

"I'll get your yours, okay?" San tells Yeosang and smiles before they all get up except Yeosang and Hongjoong.

"Are you not getting lunch?" Yeosang asks Hongjoong.

"I'm not really hungry." Hongjoong shakes his head and thinks of a way to ask him what he wanted to ask.

"Is something wrong?"

"How are you and San?" Hongjoong smiles at him. "I know we haven't been friends for too long, but... doesn't it feel a little..."

"Rushed?" Yeosang asks him and Hongjoong nods.

"How did you know I'd say that?"

"You're not the only one who's told me that. Yunho was also telling me it felt rushed... but he asked me if I really liked him and he said that's all that matters."

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah, I do." Yeosang nods. "But we're not in a relationship yet. We agreed that we wouldn't rush things. It's better to get to know each other more first."

"Really? Oh that's-"

Just as Hongjoong's about to say something, the guys all come back. "Here you go." San puts a food tray in front of Yeosang on the table, then sits down next to him.

Hongjoong is looking down at his phone, but is startled when he sees someone put a food tray in front of him. He looks up and sees Jongho sit across from him.

"There you go. You shouldn't skip your meals." Jongho tells him.

"Oh..." Hongjoong looks down at the tray, not expecting this. "Thank you." He looks up at Jongho and gives him a small smile.

They all start eating when suddenly all their phones vibrate, except Hongjoong's. Since everyone looks down at their phones, Hongjoong gets a little confused. They all look at each other suspiciously before putting their phones away.

"Is everything okay?" Hongjoong speaks up.

"Huh?" San asks him. "Yeah, everything's fine. What do you mean?"

"You all just... never mind." He shrugs it off and continues eating.

The truth is... Seonghwa and Wooyoung were planning him a surprise birthday party and had texted them to invite them. It will be in Seonghwa's house in two days.


The day before, San had asked Yeosang out on a date, so here they were now. Out at the park having a picnic.

"Yeo, you're such a messy eater." San shakes his head and smiles at him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yeosang tries wiping his face with a napkin.

San leans in and wipes the chocolate off of Yeosang's lips with his finger, making Yeosang blush. "It's cute." San tells him, which makes him blush more.

After a while, Yeosang speaks up. "So... I have to ask you something." Yeosang tells him, finally getting the courage to tell him what he's wanted to tell him.

"Sure, what is it?" San turns to him and gives him a small smile.

"I know you said we should take our time and get to know each other before starting a serious relationship because it'd feel rushed..." He tells him and San nods. "But how long are we supposed to wait? I mean... we're already going on dates and-"

"I'm sorry, Yeosang, but I still think we should get to know each other more first. I mean, I know I like you. That's really obvious, but I still think it's better for us to get to know each other more first. I hadn't told you this, but my mistake in my past relationships was not getting to know the person more. I rushed into my relationships too much and that's why they all failed. I hope you understand."

"Oh..." Yeosang just nods. "Yeah, don't worry. I understand." He looks down. Yeosang had never been in a relationship before and he hopes he didn't seem too desperate by saying this to San.

"I'm not forcing you to wait for me." San looks down. "We're still not together, so if you end up falling for someone else while I'm still not ready to be in a relationship, I'll understand. I promise."

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