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"Good morning." Yeosang feels arms wrapped around him from behind and turns around. "Are you feeling better?"

"Huh?" Yeosang's eyes widen when he sees Seonghwa.

"How are you feeling, pumpkin?"

Yeosang gets lost in his thoughts and when he finally comes back to reality, he sees that it's not Seonghwa... it's San.

"Are you okay?" San asks him.

"Oh yeah, of course." Yeosang nods and takes San's hands off of him, which makes San give him a confused look.

"Sorry." He quickly apologizes. "But actually... there's something I want to tell you. Do you think we could meet-"

"Hey guys!" Hongjoong and Wooyoung rush over to them. "Thanks for coming to my birthday party last night! I had so much fun." Hongjoong tells them.

"It's no problem. We had so much fun too." San tells him and smiles.

"But anyway... since my parents told me I could have anything for my birthday, I asked for a vacation and guess what... they agreed!"

"That's great. I hope you have so much fun." Yeosang tells him.

"What I meant is that I'm inviting you guys."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I'm inviting all of you. I've already invited Yunho, Jongho, and Mingi. And of course Wooyoung and Seonghwa will be there."

"It'll be so much fun. You guys should come." Wooyoung tells them. "Hongjoong's parents have a beach house and we've thrown the best parties when we've gone there."

"How many days would that be?"

"Four days." Hongjoong answers. "And we'd be leaving on Friday... so what do you say?"

"It sounds like so much fun." San tells them. "I'm in."

"What about you, Yeosang?"

"Oh, I don't think I'll be able to go."

"Aww, why not?"

Just as he's about to answer, he sees Seonghwa walking by, so he quickly looks down. Seonghwa hadn't even noticed them standing there until Wooyoung calls him over.

"Hwa, come here!" He tells him, which makes Seonghwa turn to them.

"Oh, hey." He walks over to them and stops beside Wooyoung.

"I was just inviting San and Yeosang to the beach house, but Yeosang says he won't go. Come on, convince him." Hongjoong frowns. "He'd be the only one missing from our friend group."

Seonghwa finally looks at Yeosang but sees him looking down, avoiding eye contact with him. Why is he like this? Does he maybe remember what happened last night? No... he doubts he remembers. He was so drunk.

"You should come." Seonghwa finally says, making Yeosang look up and make eye contact with him. "It's so much fun over there and there's so many places to go to. It's also only four days so we'd only be missing two days of school. We'd leave on Friday night and come back on Tuesday."

As Seonghwa's talking, Yeosang can't focus on what he's saying. All he's able to focus on are Seonghwa's lips as they move when he talks. He remembers how they felt on top of his when he kissed him.

Seonghwa notices and feels his face heat up but doesn't look away from him.

"Yeo?" San interrupts Yeosang's thoughts. "So are you going?"

"Well, you figure that out. Seonghwa and I have to get to class because we have a long rest of the week ahead of us." Wooyoung tells them and they both walk away.

"How come?" San asks.

"The final debut group lineup is being announced in two days." Hongjoong tells him.

"The lineup?" Yeosang asks and Hongjoong nods.

"It was going to be revealed in a week but it got changed to earlier." He tells him. "But please consider coming with us on this trip."

"Okay, I'll definitely think about it." Yeosang nods. "Thanks for the invite."

"No problem." Hongjoong smiles at them before walking away from them.

"You agreed pretty fast." Yeosang tells San.

"Yeah, I just really love the beach and the sound of a vacation right now sounded really nice. I've been really focused on school and just school these past few months. A vacation sounds great right now."

"Should I go?" Yeosang asks him, not sure. "My school attendance has always been a big deal to me. I don't even miss a day of school when I'm sick."

"Well, that can't be good." San tells him. "Everyone needs a break from school. Even if it's just for a day. It can be very stressful."

"Well yeah, you're right."

Honestly, what's stopping Yeosang from agreeing isn't the fact that he'll miss two days of school. It's the fact that he'll have to live with Seonghwa in the same house for four days. He's not sure how he'll be able to see him 24/7 and hide his embarrassment.

"I won't force you to go, of course. That's your decision, but you should really consider it. Like I said, everyone needs a break from school even just for a little bit. Going to the beach and forgetting about everything else sounds so relaxing and peaceful."

"You're right." Yeosang nods. "But hopefully they give us permission in the convenience store."

"Yeah, we should definitely let our boss know already."

"So earlier you told me you had something to say to me. What is it?"

"Well... actually... I-" But before San can say anything else, the school bell rings.

"You can tell me later. Let's get to class." Yeosang tells him and San nods.

San wants to reach for Yeosang's hand but decides not to. He does admit it worries him that Yeosang and Seonghwa will see each other so much during that time, but he knows he should probably not be worried.

Yeosang likes him after all. He likes him and not Seonghwa. They had both already admitted their feelings for each other. Seonghwa's the one who likes Yeosang so he shouldn't be so worried.

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