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Yeosang knew this was on San's mind since the day of the party, but he still hoped he wouldn't ask him so soon. He knows he was so eager for San to ask him to be his boyfriend before, but he's just not so sure anymore.

That party changed everything and now his feelings are all over the place. He doesn't want to accept to be San's boyfriend without being one hundred percent sure about how he feels.

"San, I-"

"I know you waited for me for a while and if you need time I'll give you all the time you need. Just please let me know if you still have feelings for me. Do I still have a chance?"

"San, I'm going to be honest with you." Yeosang starts, looking down at their hands. "I do still like you." He tells him, which makes San smile a little, realizing he still has a chance. "But recently I've just really been starting to feel things for another person as well. I know it sounds crazy. If you've never liked two people at the same time, it'll sound really crazy to you, but it really happens. And it's happening to me. I do like you, but I'm also starting to really like someone else."

"Oh..." San just nods as he feels his heart break. Yes, he has a chance, but depending on who this other person is, he has probably already lost. "I understand, Yeo. There's nothing we can do about our feelings. We can't control them, and it's probably even possible to like more than two people at the same time, so don't worry, okay? Your feelings aren't crazy. Please don't pressure yourself into deciding on which one of us you really like. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting."


The day of the trip had finally come and it was now after school, which meant they were finally going to Hongjoong's beach house. Yeosang had felt terrible all day since he had basically rejected San.

And the fact that he hadn't seen Seonghwa all day today made things worse. "Where's Seonghwa?" He asks the others when he sees they're all ready to get in the van except him.

"Oh, he and Wooyoung are catching up with us later. The debut lineup announcement got changed to today." Hongjoong tells him.

"Oh okay." Yeosang nods and gets in the van.

San frowns as he hears the sadness in Yeosang's voice. It seems like his assumption was right. The other person Yeosang is interested in really is Seonghwa after all.


Once they get to the beach house and unpack their things, Yeosang goes outside and sits on the sand, in front of the water. They got to the beach house a few hours ago. They already unpacked, went to buy groceries, and cooked, but Seonghwa's still not here.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, he's interrupted when he sees someone sit down next to him.

"It's so nice here, isn't it?" San asks and Yeosang nods. "I've noticed you've been sad most of the day. It's unlike you."

"I'm just tired." He lies. "As soon as I get some rest I'll feel better."

"Then how come you're not resting right now? Why are you so lost in your thoughts? Is it because of what happened yesterday? Let me just tell you that you don't have to worry about that. I made the choice to wait for you."

"It's not just that." Yeosang sighs.

"So then?" San frowns. "Seonghwa?"

"Huh?" Yeosang asks, surprised. "Wh-what about him?"

"I know you like him. He's the person you like too, isn't he?" San gives him a small smile and looks at the water again. "You're waiting for him here, making sure he arrives safely, aren't you?"

"How did you-"

"There's really no point in saying all these things, all I'm going to say is that..." San takes a deep breath, not knowing how to say this. "You should confess to him."

"Huh?" Yeosang asks, confused.

"If you confess to him and it turns out he likes you back, you could maybe go on dates with both of us and decide on who you like more. No pressure, I just think that'd be a lot easier for you. If Seonghwa also agrees on that, of course. But it's fine with me."

"Wouldn't that hurt you more? If it turns out he also likes me, which he doesn't, but let's just pretend. If he also does like me, I'd have to reject one of you after dating you both. Wouldn't that just get your hopes up and be harder for you when I have to reject one of you?"

"I don't know about Seonghwa, but yes I'd be okay with it. So confess to him when he gets here. Don't keep pushing your feelings aside."

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