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"Huh?" Seonghwa asks him, too shocked to say anything else.

"You see... it just sounds too forced, don't you think?" Yeosang asks him. "Like even if you didn't like the person, you'd feel bad if you rejected them. Or even if you did like them, you'd probably reject them since you'd feel too forced. You would've rejected me too, right?"

Seonghwa just stays quiet for a while." Oh... I guess." He just nods. "But if I don't like someone, I'll reject them no matter what, and if I like someone I'd accept their confession no matter how bad they are at confessing. San is different though. He can't seem to be able to say no to anyone, so you should probably go with the first option. Just so you don't feel like you forced him to say yes."

"I'll see." Yeosang smiles at him. "Thanks for listening to me. It must've been boring to sit here and listen to my problems. Regardless, you listened to me and gave me good advice, so thank you."

"It's no problem, pumpkin. I already told you I'm always here to listen to your worries, okay? So don't hesitate to talk to me."


Once Seonghwa leaves Yeosang's house, the sad look on his face just won't go away. He and Yeji ended up going home after a while since it was a little late already.

"I'm already 16, why couldn't I keep going trick or treating by myself?" She frowns.

"Because it's now past eleven and being out late at night on this day is dangerous. There's too many people to be out there alone."

"What has you so sad, by the way?"

"Nothing, just tired." He fakes a smile. "I'll get going, so goodnight." He walks past her and goes upstairs to his room.

Once he gets to his room, he sits down on his bed and sighs.

~ Flashback ~

Actually, even before Yeosang told Seonghwa anything, Seonghwa already knew. He had seen him and San at the mall that day.

He was going to walk towards them and say hi, but immediately stopped himself when he saw San leaning in to kiss Yeosang.

Seonghwa's heart had been broken since then.

Then Yeosang had to take a call, so Seonghwa quickly turned away to not be seen by either one of them. He ended up seeing San walk into a store, so he followed him and heard all his conversation with Karina.

San clearly likes Yeosang and Seonghwa knows it. The problem is that San is too much of a good person and thinks saying no makes you a bad person.

When San and Karina stopped talking and she walked away, Seonghwa goes up to San.

"Hey." Seonghwa says to him and San is surprised to see him.

"Oh, hey. You're here too?"

"Yeah, I came to buy a Halloween costume."

"Really? Me too."

"When you finish hanging out with Yeosang, let me know. Let's meet up. I need to talk to you about something."

"What?" San asks, confused.

"Just text me later." He says before walking away from him.


"What did you want to talk to me about?" San asks him once they get to the coffee shop.

"I'm not the type of person to beat around the bush, so I'll just ask you." He starts. "Do you like Yeosang?"

San is taken by surprise with the question. He didn't expect Seonghwa to know about it.

"Wh-what? How did you-"

"That's not important. I know you do, so I'll just be honest. If you like him so much, you need to stop being nice to everyone. He might misunderstand."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't keep saying yes to everyone just because you feel bad if you say no. Saying no doesn't make you a bad person. At this point, if Karina asks you to be her boyfriend, you'll say yes because you feel bad? Life doesn't work that way, San." Seonghwa tells him. "You can't continue being nice to everyone like this. The only person that should feel special is the person you like. Others might also misunderstand and think you like them, and that could become a problem."

San just looks down and doesn't say anything.

"So think about what I just said." Seonghwa stands up. "See you later." He walks away from him and out of the coffee shop.

~ Present Time~

Seonghwa takes his phone out after a while of debating, and ends up calling San.

"Oh, hey Seonghwa. What's up?"

"Where are you?" Seonghwa asks him.

"Trick or treating."

"With Karina, I assume." He says and San just stays quiet. "Really? Did you not think about what I told you the other day?"

"Why do you care so much?" San asks him. "It's like you like Yeosang or something." Since Seonghwa stays quiet, San's eyes widen. "Wait... you do?"

"You made him misunderstand your fucking intentions, so either go to him or I will." Seonghwa hangs up and throws his phone on the bed.

He then hugs his knees to his chest and feels the tears starting to roll down his cheeks.

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