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"Are you okay?" Seonghwa asks him, noticing he had just wiped a tear away.

"Yeah." Yeosang lies and just nods.

Seonghwa takes the basket away from Yeosang and hands it to the girl next to him, making Yeosang confused. "Yeji, can you give these out for a while?" He asks her.

"Seems fun! Sure." She nods.

Since he noticed the front door to Yeosang's house is opened, Seonghwa takes his arm and walks into the house before closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Seonghwa repeats once they sit down on the couch.

"Yeah, it's nothing." He nods and continues wiping the tears that keep falling. 'Stupid tears.' He thinks to himself.

"Darling, you're crying. You're not okay and that's okay. It's okay to cry. Tell me what's wrong."

Seonghwa notices a pumpkin drawn on his cheek and that Yeosang's wearing a pumpkin hat. He hadn't even paid much attention to it since all he wanted was to make sure he was okay first. If it would've been any other time, Seonghwa would've laughed over it, but just seeing Yeosang cry isn't funny at all.

He has no idea why he's crying, but he's worried.

"What happened?" Seonghwa asks him and takes his hat off.

"I'm just being too sensitive." Yeosang looks down. "It's really nothing serious. You should get back to your girlfriend and I'll go continue giving out candy. She must be tired by now." He's about to stand up, but Seonghwa stops him.

"First of all, I would still like to know what happened so I can help you if I can. Second of all, she's not my girlfriend, but she is the second most important woman in my life."

Yeosang just gives him a confused look. He notices Seonghwa's dressed up as a vampire. He hadn't paid much attention since he was crying.

"She's my sister." Seonghwa tells him. "And the first most important woman in my life is my mom, obviously."

Yeosang is a little surprised by his answer. He didn't really think he was the type to be too close to his family. Maybe he judged him a little too much. "I-I didn't think you were too close to your family."

"Yeah, I know I don't talk much about them, but they're the most important people in my life. My mom and my sister are everything to me."

"What about..." Yeosang starts but ends up stopping himself.

"My dad?" Seonghwa asks. "He left us when we were younger... but that's not important." He tells him. "Why are you crying, pumpkin?"

"Pumpkin?" Yeosang looks up at him. "That's my new nickname?" He ends up smiling a little.

"Well... you were wearing a pumpkin hat with a pumpkin drawn on your cheek, and a pumpkin basket in your hands. What did you expect I'd do if I saw you?"

"True." He nods and looks down.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Seonghwa tells him. "I just hope you know I'm here if you ever want to talk. I'm here if you ever need something. I'll listen to anything you have to say and try to help in any way I can, okay?"

"Why are you so nice to me?" Yeosang asks him, taking him by surprise.


"I just... I was stupid." He feels the tears rolling down again.

"No, why? What happened?" Seonghwa asks, worriedly and wipes his tears away.

"I-I should've realized that just because someone's nice to someone else, it doesn't mean they like them. I can't believe I was so stupid and thought-"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"The truth is..." Yeosang looks down. "I like San."

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