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The day of the party had finally come around. Seonghwa's house was beautifully decorated and he and Wooyoung had made sure to buy all of Hongjoong's favorite foods and desserts.

Jongho had asked Hongjoong to hang out with him that day since Seonghwa asked him to. Up until now, Hongjoong had been suspecting something was going on, so Seonghwa didn't want his birthday surprise to be ruined.

"What time did you tell Jongho to come back with Hongjoong?" Wooyoung asks him.

"They should be here in about an hour. I think all the other guys will get here before then." He looks down at his phone to check the time.

"I think we've already finished decorating." Wooyoung looks around and Seonghwa agrees.

"Yeah, everything looks good." He looks around to see all the decorations, food, desserts, and drinks. "I think he'll really like it." Seonghwa turns to Wooyoung, giving him a smile and Wooyoung feels his heart beating faster, so he quickly looks down. "By the way, the debut lineup is being announced soon. Let's debut together."

"I don't think I'm good enough yet." Wooyoung looks down and sighs. "I haven't received a single compliment lately."

"Is something bothering you lately? You're good at everything you do. The problem is that you seem distracted lately. Is something bothering you?"

"Oh well..." Wooyoung frowns, not being able to tell him.

"You can tell me anything, Wooyoung. We've known each other since we were little kids. You can trust me, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, of course I know that." He nods. "That's not the problem.

"So then?"

"Well... the thing is... I like someone."

"Really? Woo, that's great." Seonghwa smiles. "I didn't think you were capable of liking someone more than yourself." He jokes.

"Hey!" Wooyoung playfully hits him.

"But why is liking someone a problem? Why is it distracting you like this?"

"Because he clearly doesn't like me back." He sighs. "There's already someone he likes." He tells him and for a second, he forgets who he's telling this to. "We've been friends for a while, but he's never once had a nickname for me... other than 'Woo', but I'd really want him to have a more special nickname for me, not one that all my other friends call me. And to that person he now likes, he's given him so many nicknames even though he only met him recently."

"Wait... you've been friends for a while?" Seonghwa asks him and Wooyoung's eyes widen when he remembers he's talking to Seonghwa about his crush, which is him.

"Oh... yeah."

"You like Hongjoong?" Seonghwa asks, surprised. "I really didn't expect this. Is that why you're always play fighting with him? Wow, I really didn't expect this." He tells him. "But wait... who does Hongjoong like?"

"Oh... I don't know." Wooyoung looks away from him. "Just forget about it. I'll try to forget about him since he doesn't like me back anyway."

"Wait... but you're just planning on giving up like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... have you even confessed to him? Yeah, he might like someone else now, but what if his feelings change if you keep trying? I don't think you should give up until he actually rejects you. You can't just give up before knowing how the he feels about you."

"So you think I should keep trying?"

"Yeah, definitely. Plus, you said he just met this person, right? So what if his feelings aren't that serious to begin with?"

"Would you say that even if it was you?"

"Huh?" Seonghwa's taken by surprise.

"Oh, I meant that if someone else, who you don't like, liked you, would you tell them the same thing you're telling me? Would you tell them to not give up on you even though you like Yeosang?"

"I think that would depend on who the person is." Seonghwa looks down at his phone. "Well, it looks like no one's coming yet so I'll just take a small nap." He rests his head on the table and closes his eyes.

Once he falls asleep, Wooyoung looks at him and sighs. "Idiot." He mumbles. "How did you not realize I was talking about you?"


"Surprise!" Everyone shouts when Hongjoong walks into the house. "Happy birthday!"

"Wow." Hongjoong looks around the house. "Everything looks so... beautiful. Thank you so much! I didn't expect this." He quickly goes hug his best friends.

"It's no problem." Seonghwa tells him. "We made sure to buy all your favorite foods and desserts, so eat everything you want."

"I had the idea of getting you that yogurt machine over there." Wooyoung points.

"Wow." Hongjoong smiles. "I love it! Thank you!" He rushes over to it to put some in a bowl.

Yeosang had arrived a little later than the others. He didn't really want to face San, but he knew he had to. He felt a little embarrassed about how desperate he must've seemed yesterday.

"Do you want to dance?" San asks him since most of the other guys were in the dance floor.

"Oh, that's not really my thing." He tells him. "But you go ahead." He gives him a small smile.

"Really? Are you okay staying alone here?"

"Yeah, of course." He nods. "I'm going to go get a drink right now anyway. It's fine."

"Okay, but I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" He asks and Yeosang nods.

Yeosang stays alone in the couch and sees almost everyone's dancing. Everyone except Seonghwa. "Where is he?" He looks around and realizes someone just sat next to him.

"Looking for me, pumpkin?" He turns to him and sees Seonghwa.

"What? No."

"Why so lonely?"

"Oh... parties aren't really my thing. I don't like dancing or anything. I just came because Hongjoong is starting to become a really good friend of mine."

"Oh, is that so? But maybe you don't like parties because you've never tried to have fun." He stands up again. "Come on, let's go get you a drink and then we'll go dance." He reaches for his arm.

"What? No, I don't like-"

"Oh, come on. Just try and if you don't like it, you can come back, okay? I just don't like that you're just sitting here alone."

"Okay, fine." Yeosang gives in and follows Seonghwa to the kitchen.

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