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"I want to sleep in the room Yeosang's sleeping in." Seonghwa crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well me too." San also crosses his arms over his chest.

"Like I just said..." Hongjoong sighs in frustration. "Each room has two small beds only, therefore only two people are allowed in each room."

"Oh come on." San frowns. "Can I?"

"I asked first though." Seonghwa rolls his eyes.

"Oh stop fighting." Wooyoung sighs. "I'll share a room with Yeosang. Come on, let's go." He takes Yeosang's arm and they walk towards the staircase.

"Which means you two are sharing a room. Good luck!" Hongjoong tells Seonghwa and San before walking away.

Seonghwa and San just look at each other for a few seconds before Seonghwa looks away and scoffs. He goes upstairs to the room and San follows him.

"Hey! I want that bed." San frowns when he sees Seonghwa place his suitcase on the bed he wanted.

"Well too late. It's mine now." He starts taking his clothes out of the suitcase and puts them in the drawer.

San just sighs and puts his suitcase on the other bed. "Are you mad at me or something?" He asks. "Is it because I also like Yeosang?"

Seonghwa sighs and sits down. "I just haven't had the best day today and took it out on you. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I thought so." San nods. "Want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well, just know that I'm here to listen. I know we're not really friends or anything, but maybe talking about this with someone could make you feel better. You can trust me."

"Well, I just..." Seonghwa starts. "I have been a trainee for so long. Not to be cocky or anything, but I just really thought I'd debut this time. All the other trainees would always tell me that I was definitely going to be one of the members of the final group."

"Still, I obviously kept trying my hardest. I'd go to the practice room as soon as school ended and I'd stay there practicing until the next morning. That's why I'd barely pay attention in class. I was always too tired and could barely listen or focus on anything the teacher said."

"You'd stay in the practice room that long? That can't be healthy at all." San says, worriedly. "Is that why you fainted that one time? It all makes sense now."

"Yeah, I know it's not healthy. But still, I decided to focus on debuting. People have told me that I can sing and dance. They've told me my facial expressions are pretty decent too. I've been told that I have what it takes. But you know what nobody has ever praised me for?"

"What?" San asks, curiously.

"Doing well in school." He answers. "Because I was never the one to get good grades. No matter how much I'd study, I'd fail. But regardless of that, it would've been nice to get told that I was doing well... that I was at least trying."

San stays quiet, not knowing what to say. Sometimes it's better to just stay quiet and listen. Sometimes silence can be more comforting than saying the wrong words.

"I may not seem like that person, but I guess I am. I like hearing compliments. I like being told that I'm doing well. And the only compliments I'd ever get were related to me being a trainee. For the first time it felt like I was good at something, but now that it turns out I'm not debuting, I'm starting to doubt whether I'm really as good as everyone says or if they just complimented me because they felt bad."

"No, why would you say that? Just because some people can't see your talent, it doesn't mean you're not good enough. Did you know that there are some idols out there that barely get any attention but are way better than some of the most popular ones? You shouldn't give up on your dream. There will come a day where someone will see your talent."

"The thing is... I'm not sure if I can keep trying. In the past, I was already in the debut lineup for a group, but the company went bankrupt and my debut was cancelled."

"What? Really-"

"But can we stop talking about this please? I honestly thought I'd feel better, but now I feel like a loser." He stands up and starts unpacking his things again.

"Okay." San nods and does the same. "But you shouldn't feel like a loser or a failure. There's a reason all the other trainees thought you'd debut. By what you're telling me, they respect and admire you. Since that's the case, it's the company's loss, not yours. Your time will come. You'll be able to show your talent to the world someday."

"Wow, I really didn't think you could say such comforting words to me." A small smile forms on Seonghwa's lips. "Thanks for listening."

"Still, I think you should start focusing more on school. It won't be easy, but I'm sure you can adjust your schedule and make it work."

"What's the point? I feel like I'd just be wasting my time. I still get bad grades."

"I can tutor you."


"I'm ranked number two in the school for a reason, you know? I may not be as good as Yunho who's in first place, but I can definitely help you out."

"I really appreciate it, San. I guess we could try it out but I wouldn't want to waste your time."

"It's fine. I'm a great tutor. I doubt you'll ever fail as long as you have me as your tutor."

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