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As soon as the class ends, Seonghwa picks his backpack up and walks past Yeosang, then out of the classroom. A confused look forms on Yeosang's face. It feels like Seonghwa's ignoring him... but why? Everything was just fine last night. He listened to everything he had to say and gave him good advice.

Could that be why? Did Yeosang bore him and make him annoyed with his crush problems? He was just crying to him last night and now he and San have admitted their feelings for each other. Could that be why?

"I'll see you after class, okay?" Yeosang tells San.

"Wait, I'll walk you there." San pouts.

"Don't worry, there's no need. It's all the way in the other side of the building. I'll go by myself, okay?" Yeosang smiles at him.

"Alright, but text me as soon as you're out of class. Let's meet right after."

"Okay." Yeosang nods before walking away from him.

Yeosang rushes to his class since he has this class with Seonghwa as well. When he almost gets to class, he sees Seonghwa's about to walk in, so he quickly takes his arm and pulls him to the side.

"Hey... are you mad at me?" Yeosang asks him.

"Of course not." Seonghwa shakes his head.

Yeosang looks at him for a few seconds and a worried look forms on his face. "Why do you look so pale?" He touches his forehead. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, don't worry." He nods. "Let's go to class or we'll be late." He walks past him and into the classroom.


"Are you serious, San?! What the hell do you mean that you have a boyfriend?!" Karina yells at him. "Ever since you accepted to go trick or treating with me, we got so close and you'd accept all the gifts I gave you! You never rejected any of them and now you tell me you got a boyfriend?!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lead you on. I didn't want you to think I was being rude by rejecting your gifts or declining your offer of going out with you on Halloween."

Even though Yeosang and him aren't in an official relationship yet, they did confess their feelings for each other. Since Karina keeps insisting on hanging out with him, San just had to tell her he already has a boyfriend.

"You didn't want to seem rude?!" She scoffs. "Didn't you think I'd think that when you got a boyfriend just a few days later?"

"Sorry... I really didn't mean to. I'll return the gifts you gave me."

"You will pay for this, San! Nobody messes with the most popular girl at school, you hear me?! Nobody!"

"What is going on here?" San hears a voice behind him and sees Seonghwa.

"What's wrong?! What's wrong is that he lead me on and now it turns out he got a boyfriend overnight?!"

Seonghwa just sighs. He told San his behavior would end up causing misunderstandings. "How exactly did he lead you on, Karina? By accepting to hang out with you? By being nice to you? Those are things friends do. Did he ever say he liked you? No, right?"

"Stay out of this, Seonghwa." Karina glares at him. "This has nothing to do with you!" She angrily pushes San, almost making him fall, but Seonghwa is able to catch him on time.

Karina rolls her eyes before walking away from them. San looks at Seonghwa for a few seconds before quickly getting out of his grip. "Thanks for that... There was no reason for you to get involved. It was my fault anyway."

"I didn't do it for you. I just don't want Yeosang to be the talk of the school because his boyfriend 'lead' the most popular girl on."

"I-I... it wasn't my intention. I didn't think that was leading her on. I just thought she wanted to be my friend... And Yeosang's isn't my-"

"Have you ever seen Karina have guy friends? How oblivious can you be?" Seonghwa rolls his eyes before starting to walk past him.

San quickly follows behind him and sees Seonghwa stopped walking. "Are you okay?" San taps his shoulder when he sees he looks extremely pale now. "Seonghwa?"

Before Seonghwa can say anything, he ends up passing out and falling to the ground.

"Seonghwa?!" San shakes him a little as people gather around them, worried.

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