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"Who the hell is it at this time?" Yeosang wipes his eyes and walks towards the front door. "Who is it?"

"It's San."

"What is he doing here?" He mumbles before opening the door. "Oh, hey San. What are you doing here so late?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Can we talk?"

Yeosang just nods and leads him to the living room before they both sit down on the couch.

"Is it so important?"

"Yeah... I couldn't really wait. I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"No, I was still up. It's fine." He tells him. "What did you want to talk about?" He feels his heart beating faster.

"About what happened at the mall the other day."

"Oh... that? You don't have to say anything. I guess it was a misunderstanding, so don't worry about it."

"It wasn't." San tells him. "I leaned in because... I wanted to kiss you. Did you not want to?"

Yeosang doesn't know what to say since he didn't expect San to say this, especially not like this. He thought he'd at least beat around the bush a little.

"No, I did." Yeosang looks down. "But then what does that mean? Because you were with Karina earlier today and you had matching-"

"It wasn't intentional. She must've somehow found out what my costume was and bought herself a matching one. I don't like her like that. We're just friends."

Yeosang just stays quiet since he doesn't want to end up saying the wrong thing and ruining the moment.

"I admit I'm a little too nice to everyone and can't seem to be able to say no, but I hope you understand that since that's how I am." He tells him. "I'm not perfect and I have my faults like everyone else, but one thing's for sure... I like you, Yeosang." He confesses.

A big smile forms on Yeosang's lips and he nods before San pulls him in for a hug. "I like you too, San."

"But I know this might feel rushed, so how about we get to know each other more? Now we both know we like each other and have confessed our feelings. Would getting to know each other more first be okay with you?"

"That seems like a good idea." Yeosang nods happily. He at least now knows San feels the same way.


The next day, Yeosang and San walk into the school together. Since they both have the first class together, they both walk towards their class, then walk in.

After just a few minutes, the classroom door opens and Seonghwa walks inside. "Late again, Mr. Park?" The teacher asks him and Seonghwa just ignores her before taking a seat behind Yeosang, which is his assigned seat.

"Hey." Yeosang turns around and smiles at Seonghwa, but sees he already put his headphones on and rested his head on his desk. He notices he looks a little pale.

Yeosang feels San take his hand and turns around, then smiles at him. He then turns to the front of the classroom before continuing to take notes.

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