"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Yeosang asks San once they get to the park.

"We're friends, right?" San asks him and Yeosang gives him a confused look.

"Yeah, of course. Why do you even ask that? We've been friends since we met a month ago."

"Yeah, you're right. That was a stupid question." San nervously chuckles. "Sorry." He looks down, not being able to say what he had initially thought of saying.

"Was that all?" Yeosang asks and San nods. "Really? So what did you think I considered you all this time? Just someone I talk to?"

"Yeosang, the truth is..." San starts before getting interrupted.

"Oh, hey guys!" They hear a voice behind them. They turn around and see Hongjoong walking over to them with Wooyoung and Seonghwa behind him. "What are you doing?"

Since Hongjoong sits behind San and Yeosang in English class, he talks to them every now and then.

"Oh, hey." Yeosang smiles at him and San frowns before faking a smile and turning around.

"Hey, we were just talking. We just got out of work and came for a walk." San tells him.

"Sorry for interrupting." Seonghwa tells them. "It looked like you were talking about something. We'll go now." He takes Hongjoong's arm and starts pulling him towards the other side, but Hongjoong takes his arm away.

"Oh, what could've been so important? If it was such an important conversation, I don't think they'd be talking here while it's full of people." He looks around.

They all stay quiet for a second until Wooyoung breaks the silence. "I had seen you guys before, right? At the coffee shop?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised you still remember us." Yeosang nods.

"Of course. You two ordered like the biggest pieces of chocolate cake, how could I forget?"

"Do you go to our school too? I think I have seen you before."

"Actually yeah, but just like Seonghwa, I'm a trainee so I don't really go to lunch. And since I have no classes with you guys, that's why you don't see me around much."

"Wait, really?" Yeosang asks, surprised. "Hongjoong, so who do you sit with during lunch?"

"I don't really go to lunch. I just go to the library instead."

"You can sit with us if you want. I sit with San, Yunho, and his friend Jongho. You're always welcomed to sit with us if you want."

"Really? That'd be great, thanks." He smiles. "I usually skip lunch since I don't really have anyone to sit with. I knew I'd feel lonely."

After a while of sitting on two different benches, they hear the ice cream truck pass by them and stop just across the street.

"Who wants ice cream?" Wooyoung quickly gets up from the bench.

"You know I can never say no to ice cream." Hongjoong stands up. "Hwa, I'll get you the ice cream you always order, okay? Anyone else?"

"Yeosang, do you want some ice cream?" San asks him and stands up.

"Yeah." He's about to stand up but San stops him.

"Just stay here and I'll bring it to you. Which one do you want?"

Once Yeosang tells him, the three of them walk away, leaving Seonghwa and Yeosang alone.

"By the way... how's your arm?" Yeosang asks him since he noticed he doesn't have the arm cast anymore.

"It's good." Seonghwa looks down at his arm. "I got my arm cast taken off today and even went to the practice room. I can finally move it around."

"Are you sure?" Yeosang reaches for his arm, taking Seonghwa by surprise.

"Try moving it around. I have to see for myself. Are you sure it doesn't hurt anymore?"

"I'm sure. No need to worry about it."

"Let me see then." Yeosang moves Seonghwa's arm around in circular motions.

"What are you doing?"

"Just making sure it doesn't hurt." Yeosang smiles sweetly at him before letting his arm go.

"By the way... I see you got a new hairstyle." Seonghwa tells him.

"Oh... yeah." Yeosang nods. "Does it look okay?"

Seonghwa looks at him, not being able to say anything and then quickly turns away from him.

"Does it look that bad?" Yeosang frowns and moves his bangs back down to cover his forehead.

"No, I didn't say that." Seonghwa turns back to him.

He slowly moves his hands towards Yeosang's forehead and moves his bangs away from his forehead.

"It looks good." Seonghwa tells him. "You always do."

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