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Two days later, halloween finally came around. Yeosang and San had talked and neither of them brought up what almost happened at the mall. Neither of them wanted to make it awkward if they asked.

Yeosang felt confused. Did San like him?

And did he like San?

He thinks he does.

Anytime they're close to each other or San says something to him, he feels his heart starting to beat faster.

"Trick or treat! Hello?!"

Yeosang snaps out of it and realizes there's a line of people in front of his house to get candy. "Oh sorry, here you go." He takes some candy out of his pumpkin basket and puts it in the little boys basket.

Once he gives out candy for a while, he immediately smiles when he sees San. "Hey, you came!" He tells him.

"I told you I would." He smiles at him. "Trick or treat."

"Here you go." He's about to put some candy in his basket, but sees Karina, the popular girl at school.

He notices she and San have matching costumes. She's a princess and he's a prince.

"Y-you came with Karina?" Yeosang asks him, not expecting this.

"Yeah, the matching costumes were not intentional. We somehow ended up with the same one." He tells him and Yeosang just nods and fakes a smile.

"Hi." Karina waves at him. "You're San's friend, right?" She asks him and takes San's arm. Yeosang notices San doesn't move his arm.

"Yeah." He just nods and puts some candy in both of their baskets. "Well, there you go. It looks like you're having fun, so enjoy the rest of your night." He tells them sadly.

"Yeosang, I-" San starts, but Karina pulls his arm.

"Bye." She says to Yeosang and smirks before walking away with San.

At this point, Yeosang felt like crying. What the hell was that? Just two days ago, they almost kissed. It made Yeosang get his hopes up that San maybe liked him too, but now he's with Karina?

She took his arm and he didn't even move it away. They even have matching costumes that he doubts weren't intentional.

After giving a few more kids some candy, Yeosang zones out and feels a tear roll down his cheek. When he feels it, he quickly wipes it away and puts some candy in the basket of the people in front of him.

"Yeosang?" He hears and quickly looks up to see Seonghwa.

"Oh, hey." Yeosang fakes a smile and sees there's a girl next to Seonghwa.

Happy With You | seongsang/sansangWhere stories live. Discover now