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~ Two Weeks Later ~

"Ugh, I said I was never going to be late again." Yeosang sighs as he stands by the closed gate. "Maybe I can try climbing it." He throws his backpack over the gate and tries climbing it with no success.

"Why is it so high up?!" He sighs in frustration.

"Need help?" He hears a voice behind him, which startles him.

He turns around to see Seonghwa and quickly turns back around to pretend he's able to climb over the gate by himself. "No, I can do it."

"Okay, whatever you say." Seonghwa takes his backpack off and throws it over the gate, before climbing over the gate.

"He's really going to leave me here?" Yeosang scoffs.

Since Seonghwa's already on the other side of the gate, he picks his backpack up and starts walking towards the school.

Yeosang sighs and realizes he has to ask him for help. He can't do this on his own. "Hey, wait!" Yeosang says and Seonghwa stops walking.

"You need something?" He turns around.

"I need help." Yeosang mumbles.

"You what?" Seonghwa pretends not to hear him.

"I said... I need help!"

"You should've just been honest from the start, darling." He starts walking back towards Yeosang.

"Dar- What?"

Seonghwa climbs up the gate and reaches his hand out for Yeosang to take. "Come on, start climbing up, I got you."

Yeosang starts climbing up and once he's on top of the gate, he takes Seonghwa's hand. Since Seonghwa pulls his hand a little too fast, Yeosang is taken by surprise and panics when he sees how close they are to each other.

Since he panics, he pushes Seonghwa away, making him fall off of the gate. "Oh my gosh!" Yeosang covers his mouth and quickly jumps off the gate.  "Are you okay?!" He quickly rushes over to Seonghwa.

"My arm! It hurts!" Seonghwa says in pain. "I think I broke it."

"What?! No, don't say that!" Yeosang freaks out. "Let's get you to the nurses office."


"Are you... okay?" Yeosang asks him once he walks out of the nurses office, then realizes he has an arm cast. "I'm so sorry." He frowns. "I really didn't mean to do that. I'll do anything you ask me to do." He looks down. "I feel so bad."

"It's fine. Two weeks will pass by quickly, right?" Seonghwa says sarcastically.

"You need to wear it for two weeks?"

"Yeah." He sighs. "It's fine, I'll see you later." He says before walking away from him.

"Wait!" Yeosang runs over to him. "Your reaction kind of scares me. Shouldn't you be mad?"

"I am mad, which is why I'm walking away instead." Seonghwa tells him. "Bye." He walks away from him.

"It was an accident, I'm sorry." Yeosang sighs.

"Poor Seonghwa. How is he supposed to dance now?" Yeosang hears some girls say, which makes him turn his attention to them.

"Yeah, being a trainee is hard enough. Now he'll probably have to take a break from dancing because of this."

"Trainee?" Yeosang says to himself.


"Hey Yeosang, where are you going?" San asks him after school. "Want to hang out?"

"Oh... right now?" He asks and San nods. "Where to?"

"I was thinking about maybe going on a walk to the park?" He suggests. "It's a beautiful day today."

"You don't work today?"

"Nope. I have the day off today. You do too, right?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Okay, let's go then."

They both start walking towards the park and get there in less than fifteen minutes. Once they get there, they sit on a bench right in front of the empty playground.

"I'm surprised no one's here right now." San tells him.

"Maybe some kids are still in school."

"Yeah, probably." He nods and nervously taps his phone screen.

"Is everything okay?" Yeosang asks him, noticing what he's doing.

"I've actually been meaning to ask you something."

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

"I'm asking only because I'm curious, okay? Since we're friends now."

Yeosang just nods and waits for him to continue talking.

"What's your type?"


"What type of person would you date?"

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