"Wow, that's so random." Yeosang tells him, a little surprised at the question.

"I just want to know more about you." San tells him. "Friends tell each other that kind of stuff."

"I guess so." Yeosang nods. "Well... to be honest I'm really not too picky. I just want someone who has a good heart and would never hurt others. Not intentionally, at least. I'm nowhere near perfect and I know everyone has at least one thing they want to change about themselves."

"That's all? They don't have to look a certain way?"

"Looks don't matter much to me. They're just a plus, but that's really not something I focus too much on. I've never had a crush on someone just because I thought they were cute. I always started having a crush until I knew what their personally was like."

"Oh." San just nods.

"But what about you? Do you have a type?"

"Not really. I actually agree with you. The personality is most important."

"Although, I do really like it when people smile a lot. So I would like it if they had a pretty smile." Yeosang tells him.

"By the way, do you have a crush on anyone right now? I've noticed you're really close to your friend Yunho."

"Oh no, we're just friends." He shakes his head. "I'm serious... As of right now, I don't think I'm interested in anyone. What about you?"

"Yeah, me neither." San shakes his head.

"Now let's talk about something else. It looks like we're on a blind date or something."

"Okay." San smiles nervously. "I was just curious. I thought maybe we could be the friends that talk to each other about our crushes and stuff."

"Don't worry, we can be." Yeosang smiles at him. "If you ever start liking someone, let me know. I'll let you know too. We can keep each other's secrets."

"Alright, got it." He smiles.

"By the way... speaking of telling each other everything, I actually have something to say. I did something terrible earlier today." Yeosang sighs. "I'm not sure how to make it up to him. It's terrible."

"What do you mean?"

"Seonghwa broke his arm because of me."

"No, why do you say that? It probably wasn't your fault."

"No, it was. I pushed him and he fell from a pretty high place which made him break his arm. He has to wear an arm cast for at least two weeks now." He frowns. "And the worst part is that I just found out he's training to be an idol."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I overheard some girls talking. Now how is he supposed to practice? Idols dance a lot and need not only their legs, but also their arms. I feel terrible."

"Did you apologize to him? I mean... it was an accident, but still."

"Yeah, I did but I think he's still mad at me. I'm just glad he didn't yell at me. I would've probably cried since I feel terrible as is."

"So what are you thinking of doing now? Do you want him to forgive you or are you just going to leave things like this?"

"I can't leave things like this. It was my fault." Yeosang sighs. "I'm thinking of taking care of him. I don't know... maybe helping him carry his backpack to class at least. Stuff like that?

"What if he doesn't want to?"

"I'll do it even if he doesn't want to. That's the least I can do."

San just nods and looks straight ahead at the playground. "Want to go play?" He stands up and rushes towards the playground.

"Huh?" Yeosang stands up and quickly follows him. "Isn't this for kids? Would we even fit on the slide?"

"You won't know unless you try." San goes up the stairs, then down the slide. "Come on! This is so fun!" He tells Yeosang before going up again.

Yeosang follows him up the stairs and gets on the slide before going down. "You know what would be more fun?" He asks him and San looks at him with a confused look. "Tag, you're it!" Yeosang taps him before starting to run as fast as he can around the playground.

"Hey! That's not fair!" San starts running as fast as he can as well, trying to catch him. "You should've given me a warning!"

Just as San's about to catch him, Yeosang stops running. "Wait!" He tells him. "Let's go on the swings!"

"That's not fair." San stops in front of him, out of breath. "I almost caught you."

"The swings are more fun." He points and San just shakes his head and smiles.


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