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"Why would you do that?!" Wooyoung cries. "I was so worried about you!"

"Wh-where am I?" Seonghwa slowly sits up on the bed and looks around.

"You're in the hospital." Wooyoung tells him. "You clearly overworked yourself, didn't you? Someone said they saw you last night in the practice room! They said you didn't leave until 6 am!"

"I want to be an idol, Woo. It's normal for me to practice until late."

"And I'm a trainee too, but you shouldn't overwork yourself like this!"

"It won't happen again. Please stop yelling, my head hurts." He lays back down.

"Is it because of him?"

"Because of who, Woo? It's because I want to be an idol and I have to work hard to achieve that dream. This has nothing to do with anyone else, but myself."

"I heard Yeosang's dating San. It's because of that, isn't it?"

"It really isn't." Seonghwa sighs. "Where's Hongjoong, by the way?"

"He was on his way here."


"Did you get the text from Hongjoong?" San asks Yeosang as they start walking to Yeosang's house.

"What text?" Yeosang takes his phone out of his pocket.

"He invited us over to Seonghwa's house. He's out of the hospital now."

"Oh..." Yeosang looks down. "I feel terrible for not going to the hospital."

"It's okay, Yeo. I'm sure he'll understand. We both had to work all night plus get some sleep since we had school today."

"I should've gone right after work." He sighs. "I really didn't think he was still at the hospital."

"It seems like you and Seonghwa have gotten close lately." San tells him.

"Yeah... even I'm surprised. When I first met him, I didn't think he'd be someone I'd get so close to. Everyone seems scared of him, but he never made me feel that way."

As San hears him say that, he can't help but feel jealous. Yes, he knows Seonghwa's a good 'bad boy' towards Yeosang and that he has gotten close to him these past few weeks. And yes, he knows it's thanks to Seonghwa that he finally got the courage to confess to Yeosang, but still...

It worries him a little since he now knows Seonghwa likes him.

"Come on, Sannie. Let's be the first ones to get to his house, okay?"


"Should we get him a piece of cake or something?" Yeosang suggests.

"That's really nice of you, Yeo, but he's a trainee... what if he can't eat that right now?"

"You're right." Yeosang sighs. "Sometimes I forget."


Once Yeosang and San get to Seonghwa's house, they see the house is full by now. They wanted to be the firsts to get there, but it seems like everyone else beat them to it.

Yunho had invited his boyfriend Mingi over and his friend Jongho, so the eight of them were now sitting in the living room.

"Are you okay?" San asks Seonghwa? "Are you feeling better?"

"It was nothing serious." Seonghwa nods.

"What do you mean it was nothing serious?! The doctor didn't let you out of the hospital since he was afraid you'd overwork yourself again and pass out!" Wooyoung tells him.

Yeosang doesn't know what to say so he stays quiet instead. Being a trainee doesn't look easy at all. He feels really bad for Seonghwa. He must feel so pressured to do his best and debut.

"Woo, stop scolding him. I'm sure it won't happen again, right Hwa?" Hongjoong asks him and Seonghwa just stays quiet. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" He suggests. "Instead of scolding Seonghwa, let's have some fun, come on. I'll go make the popcorn." He stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

"I'll go help him." Jongho stands up and follows him into the kitchen.

When the both of them leave, for some reason there's a really awkward tension in the living room. No one says anything or does anything.

Only Yeosang and San have a small conversation and smile at each other, but Seonghwa can't hear what they're talking about.

Wooyoung sees the pain in his eyes as he watches them laughing and being happier than ever with each other.

Seonghwa feels his hands turn into fists as he sees San take Yeosang's hand.

"I'm tired, so I'll be up in my room." Seonghwa tells them before standing up.

"I'll go with you." Wooyoung reaches for his arm, but Seonghwa yanks his arm away.

"I can do it myself." He mumbles before going upstairs to his room.

The others give each other weird looks, not knowing why Seonghwa's acting this way.

Once Seonghwa's in his room, he looks at his reflection in the mirror and sees the pain in his own eyes. He then hears the door open, then close. He sees its Wooyoung and Hongjoong. "Can you tell us what's going on?"

"Nothing." Seonghwa sits down on his bed. "I'm perfectly fine. I just got out of the hospital and life is better than it's ever been." He says sarcastically.

"Come on... we're your best friends." Hongjoong frowns. "We know this is about... Yeosang." He whispers. "So just tell us. There's no need to hide it anymore."

"There's nothing to say... It's all my fault anyway. Why did I tell San to go to him? Why didn't I confess to Yeosang earlier? This is all my fault. I was the bad boy in school and now all of a sudden I have a soft spot for someone? And San has the nerve to rub it in my face even knowing I like him?" He sighs. "I really hate this. They wouldn't even be together if I wouldn't have given them advice. They would've still acted oblivious and like they didn't know they had feelings for each other."

"So then why did you? Why did you give them advice?" Wooyoung asks.

"Yeah, you could've tried to get Yeosang to stop liking San, but instead, you brought them closer to each other and even got them together. So why?"

"Because I knew Yeosang would get hurt if he believed San didn't like him. I didn't want him to get hurt."

"Hwa..." Wooyoung sighs. "I think you should go back to being the bad boy you used to be. You never seemed sad or anything. You already have enough to worry about since you're a trainee. Don't let some guy give you even more things to worry about."

"Yeah, you're right." He nods. "This Park Seonghwa is gone."

Hongjoong and Wooyoung give him worried looks, not really liking the sound of that anymore.

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