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"Seonghwa and Wooyoung are here!" Yeosang and San both hear Jongho say, so they stand up and walk back into the beach house.

"Where's Seonghwa?" Yeosang asks when he doesn't see him in the kitchen or in the living room.

"I think he stayed in the car." Yunho tells him. "He hasn't come in, but look... this is his sister Yeji.

"Oh, hi." Yeosang gives her a small smile. "I'm Yeosang. We had met before on Halloween."

"Yeah of course I remember you." Yeji tells him. "But am I the only girl here?" She frowns.

"Nope. Actually, Hongjoong brought his sister Minju. You must know her since he and your brother are best friends, right?" Mingi asks her.

"Wait, Minju's here?" Her eyes widen. "Someone please help me with my suitcase."

"Got it." Jongho reaches for her suitcase and they both walk towards the staircase.

Hongjoong crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes. "What was that?" Yunho asks him, interrupting Hongjoong from his thoughts.

"What? Oh, nothing. Just tired. I'm going to my room."

Yeosang quickly rushes out of the beach house and looks for Seonghwa, but he's not in his car. "Where is he?" He looks around.

When he finally finds him, he sees him sitting on the exact same spot he and San were sitting on just a few minutes ago. He walks over to him and sits next to him.

"Hey, you made it." Yeosang smiles, looking ahead. "How come it took you so long? I mean... it is a long drive, but still." When he doesn't answer, Yeosang finally turns to him and sees tears rolling down his cheeks. "What? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asks, worriedly. "What happened?" Yeosang had never seen Seonghwa like this. He looks so broken. "Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa can't help it and ends up pulling Yeosang into a hug, crying on his shoulder. Yeosang doesn't know what's going on, but rubs his back and whispers, 'it's okay, it's okay' over and over again. "Everything will be okay, I promise. I don't know what's going on, but it'll get better, okay?" He pulls away from the hug after a while and wipes Seonghwa's tears.

"I didn't make it." Seonghwa says through the tears. "I worked so hard, but I didn't get in."

"Hwa..." Yeosang says, sadly.

"This was so important for me and all my work just went to waste. All those sleepless nights, all the times I focused on training more than paying attention in class. All that just went to waste. I just have to accept that I'm not good enough and that I'll never debut."

"Don't say that. I've seen you dance before, I've heard you sing, and I've noticed your stage presence. I am no idol or professional or anything of that sort, but I know you're talented. You're also very hardworking. When your arm was injured, you didn't let that stop you from training. You're so dedicated and if you're not in this debut lineup it might be because there's something better in store for you."

"The thing is..." Seonghwa looks down, not making eye contact with Yeosang as tears roll down his cheeks. "Wooyoung did make it."


"And I was so happy for him. He was the first member announced..." He sobs. "But he wants to give up on that because of me. He says he won't debut if I'm not in that group with him. He says he'll give up on his dream. We promised to debut together, we did. But because of that promise, he shouldn't give up on his dream like that. I feel bad enough that I didn't make it into the debut group, but now I feel worse that Wooyoung is willing to risk all his hard work for me."

"You two must be extremely close." Yeosang has known him and Seonghwa for a few months, but he hadn't realized just how close they are.

"Yeah, he's my best friend since we were kids." Seonghwa nods.

'I don't think Wooyoung sees you in that way.' Yeosang thinks to himself. "I'm not too good at comforting people and I really have no idea of what to say, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" Yeosang pulls him into another hug. Seonghwa holds him tight and cries onto his chest as Yeosang rubs his back and feels tears roll down his cheeks as well.

Just as San and Wooyoung went out to look for Seonghwa and Yeosang, they end up seeing them hugging. 'Do I really have a chance against him?' San thinks to himself and sighs.

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