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The next day, San and Seonghwa are really nervous since they assume today will be the day Yeosang makes his decision. Today's also the day they're going back home, so they pack their things in silence.

"What did you and Yeosang do yesterday?" San asks him.

"We went go-karting." He tells him. "Then we went to an amusement park and we came back here after that."

"Did anything else happen?"

"No." Seonghwa shakes his head as he folds his clothes and put them in the suitcase. The day of San and Yeosang's date, he had seen what happened outside. Yeosang and San were really close to each other. It even seemed like they kissed, so he already knows who Yeosang will be choosing at the end of the day. "If he chooses you... treat him well. You'll be in big trouble with me if you don't."

"Of course I'd treat him right." San tells him. "Same goes for you. If he chooses you, treat him right."

Just as Seonghwa's about to say something, his phone starts ringing and he sees it's from the company. "Sorry, I have to take this." He steps out of the room and answers. "Hello?"

"Hey Seonghwa! I know that you were told you weren't making it into the debut lineup, but I had no idea about that! Where are you right now? Let's meet up."

"I'm on a trip right now so I'm a little far from there. What's this about?"

"I've been talking to the others and since there's no way we'd let you go, we would like it if you joined the lineup. We're including one more member to the group so you can be in it. Please let us know if you accept. This is a really big opportunity for you. We had never made this exception for anyone."

"I don't know..." Seonghwa tells him. He knows this is a big opportunity for him, but he felt so worthless when he was told he couldn't debut a few days ago. He's not sure if he would like to join a group and be known as the member who wasn't chosen at first. "I'll think about it."

"Alright, please let us know soon."

Seonghwa hangs up and puts his phone away before walking back into the room to finish packing.

"Is something wrong?" San asks him since Seonghwa looks sad now. They have been getting closer these past few days and have been talking to each other about their problems.

"They asked me if I want to debut." Seonghwa tells him. "They said they'd make an exception for me and add one more person to the group... which is me. But I don't know if I want to be known as that... as the 'exception'. As the one who they didn't want at first."

"But I don't think you should think about that in a negative way. If you think about it, they had the number of the members decided and they hadn't chosen you, but like you said, they made an exception for you and are adding one more just so you can be in the group. I wouldn't say that's a bad thing."

Seonghwa thinks about it for a while since it's a little too much to process. "You might be right, but I think I'll have to think about it first."

"Just do what you think is right." San nods.

Just as they're talking, someone knocks on the door. San walks over and opens it, seeing Yeosang. "Oh, hey Yeosang."

"Hey, pumpkin." Seonghwa waves at him.

"Hey..." Yeosang says. "Can we talk?"


Once he and Yeosang walk out, Yeosang's not able to look up at him. He's not sure how to tell him.

"I don't really know how to say this..." Yeosang starts. "But I thought it'd be better if I talked to you first."

"About?" He asks nervously. "Did you make your decision?"

"Yeah..." Yeosang nods. "And I'm sorry, but..." He sighs. "I want us to stay friends."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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