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"Hey..." Yeosang smiles at Seonghwa nervously as he sits down across from him.

"Don't you have friends to sit with? I always see you with those two other guys." Seonghwa tells him.

"Yeah, but I wanted to sit here today. Plus, you never come to the cafeteria. I hadn't seen you during lunch before."

"Yeah... I had somewhere else to be, but now I can't go since my arm is broken."

"I'm sorry." Yeosang sighs. "It was an accident, seriously. I didn't mean to do that."

"Apologies won't heal my arm any quicker, so whatever."

"Anyway... since I owe you one, I thought that maybe I could help you while your arm heals-"

"No, babe. You owe me three."

"Babe? Th-three? What for?"

"One for when I helped you climb over the school gate, two for pushing me and making me fall off the gate, three for me helping you climb the gate again before the accident."

"Oh... right." Yeosang nods. "I didn't think you were the type to keep in mind everything I owe you."

"Well, you know now." He picks up the fork with his left hand, but isn't able to pick any food up. "Ugh, I can't."

"I'll do it for you." Yeosang picks the fork up before taking some food with it.

"It's fine, I can keep trying."

"No, I can help." Yeosang insists, but Seonghwa tries taking the fork away from him. "I said I'll do it."

"I can do it myself."

"You said I owe you three. Can't you use one of those?"

"I'm saving them in case I need something more important."

"What can be more important? You broke your arm..."

"You never know."

"Oh, come on. Just let me help." Yeosang sighs in frustration. "It was my fault after all."

"Why did you even push me, by the way? I was just trying to help you."

"Like I said... it was an accident. I didn't even want to push you. It just happened."

"You just randomly push people?"

"So can I help you or not?" Yeosang glares at him.

"Wait, are you glaring at me right now?"

"Yeah, you're annoying me right now. Why can't you just let me help you? You'd just rather not eat? Or end up making a mess while trying to?"

"It's really not that serious." Seonghwa tells him and gives Yeosang a confused look when he notices his eyes are watering. "Wait... are you... crying? Okay okay, feed me if you so badly want to."

"I've just felt terrible since yesterday and now you're not letting me help you. I can't help but be like this. I heard you're a trainee and now I ruined two weeks of your trainee life. I feel awful."

"Trainee? Who told you that? Did someone tell you that to make you feel bad?"

"No no, I heard some girls talking about it."

"Don't worry. It's just two weeks anyway. I can practice my vocals and facial expressions in the meantime. I had been too focused on my dancing lately anyway."

"So you're not mad? You seemed mad yesterday."

"I wasn't necessarily mad. I know it was an accident... I was just a little upset and didn't know how it'd affect me as a trainee. As a trainee, your legs, arms, voice, face, and all that stuff are very important. But I doubt I'll get thrown out for not being able to dance for a few days. I'll focus on other things for now."

"Well, that's good to hear." Yeosang wipes his tears away.

"Come on, I'm hungry." Seonghwa opens his mouth, waiting for Yeosang to give him some food.

Yeosang smiles before reaching for the fork and feeding him.

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