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Seonghwa feels his heart break into thousands of tiny pieces. "He had been so nice to me since the beginning, but lately it just felt different. His extra kindness towards me made me think he had feelings for me. I can't believe I was so stupid. I mean, you're nice to me too and that doesn't mean you like me. I don't know what was going on in my head."

"What did he do?"

"A few days ago, we went to the mall and we were talking about halloween. I told him I was scared of the houses on this day since they're decorated with really scary things. He told me there was nothing to worry about. He told me he'd protect me and my heart fluttered."

Even though it hurts, Seonghwa listens to every word he says, hoping there's a way to help him and cheer him up.

"Then after that..." Yeosang starts. "We... we almost kissed."

"Then if all that happened, maybe he does like you, pumpkin. Why are you sad?"

"You know Karina? The popular girl in school?" He asks him and Seonghwa just nods. Of course he knows her, she tried to get with him just a few weeks ago. "San was with her. They're trick or treating together and even have matching costumes. They looked like a couple. She took his arm and he didn't even take her hand off of him!"

"This might be a misunderstanding."

"How?" He looks down. "But you're right, maybe I'm just overreacting. I'm so dramatic."

"No, I didn't say that. You like San and after having all those moments with him and him making you feel like he liked you back, of course it's normal for you to feel this way and be confused. You saw him with another girl and they seemed close. Don't think you're being dramatic or overreacting. Just make sure to talk to him about it tomorrow."

"What should I say? He'll most likely think I'm being dramatic too. We're not a couple so why should I even say anything to him about this?"

"Confess to him." Seonghwa tells him, feeling his heart break yet again.

"What?! No! What if he rejects me?"

"What? Are you scared, pumpkin? You don't really seem like the type to get scared. Well, besides by scary looking houses."

"I've just never confessed to anyone before." He sighs. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Well, there's two types of people when confessing." Seonghwa starts. "There's the over sentimental person who says everything they love about the other person before actually saying 'I like you'. And then there's the cool person who just gets it over with and tells them, 'I like you, so let's date'. What kind of person do you want to be?"

"Well..." Yeosang thinks about it for a while. "I'm cool, so of course I'd confess in a cool way, but judging by your example, I'd most likely get rejected. I mean... if someone confessed to me like that, I'd probably reject them too."

"And why's that?"

"It just seems like you're forcing the person to accept your feelings and date you."

"Really? Wouldn't it be better than beating around the bush?"

"I like you, so let's date." Yeosang says, which makes Seonghwa's eyes widen.

Happy With You | seongsang/sansangWhere stories live. Discover now