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The next day came around and today was the last day at Hongjoong's beach house, but it was also the day of Yeosang's date with Seonghwa.

Just like San, Seonghwa had kept it a surprise and didn't tell Yeosang where they were going, so he stopped insisting.

Seonghwa covered his eyes as they got to the place the date would be taking place at. Yeosang could hear the people around them, which means it's a crowded place.

"Oh come on, let me see." Yeosang frowns.

"3... 2... 1." Seonghwa finally uncovers his eyes and Yeosang gasps when he sees where they are.

"I love go karting!"

"You do?" Seonghwa asks and Yeosang nods. "I'm glad."

Seonghwa had hoped Yeosang would like it. He didn't want to go to basic places people go on for dates, like to the movies or on a picnic.

"Come on! Let's go." Yeosang takes his hand and pulls him towards the karts once Seonghwa pays.

Yeosang's the first one to get on a kart and he looks behind to see Seonghwa getting on one as well.

"I will definitely beat you!" He teases him. "I'm an expert at go karting."

"Are you sure about that? I've been go karting since I was four." Seonghwa tells him.

"Impossible." Yeosang shakes his head.

"Very possible. We'll see who wins." He tells him.

"Okay, game on!" The race starts and Seonghwa is beating him at first, but just as he's almost at the finish line, he ends up slowing down which gives Yeosang the chance to win.

"Did you just let me win?" Yeosang asks him. "You could've made it a little less obvious."

"Me? Let you win? No I didn't. You won fair and square."

"Alright. Let's say you're telling the truth." Yeosang shrugs and after a few more races, they end up going to the amusement park after getting something to eat.
"Is there any ride you're scared of?"

"Nope. I can get on any of them." Seonghwa tells him. "These sort of things don't scare me."

"Let's go the haunted house?" Yeosang yells excitedly. "The one who screams first loses!"

"Oh, I'll definitely win." Seonghwa tells him. "That means whoever loses has to do whatever the winner wants."

"Deal, I'll win anyway." Yeosang nods and rushes over to the haunted house, Seonghwa following behind him.

Once they walk inside, it's so dark and they can't even see where they're going, so Seonghwa takes Yeosang's hand, afraid Yeosang will end up tripping or something.

Since the path ends up getting narrower, they both have to walk in a line, which makes them stop holding hands. Yeosang feels his heart beating faster and it's not because he's scared.

It's because he feels Seonghwa's arms wrap around his waist from behind.

And since he was so lost in his thoughts, when something pops up in front of him, he immediately screams, making Seonghwa laugh.

"I win!!" He tells him.

"That's not fair." Yeosang frowns. "I wasn't paying attention."

"Okay, but I still win anyway." Seonghwa takes his hand and they walk out of the haunted house.

"So what's your wish?" Yeosang asks him. "You're the winner."

"I'll tell you later, pumpkin. For now, let's get on the ferris wheel or on a roller coaster! They seem fun."

"Okay." Yeosang smiles as he gets pulled by Seonghwa towards a roller coaster.


After being in the amusement park for a few hours, it starts getting darker so they end up going back to Hongjoong's beach house, staying outside.

Seonghwa had gotten Yeosang a giant teddy bear by winning a game so Yeosang was holding onto it tightly.

"I didn't think you were so good at archery." He tells him.

"I'm so good at a lot of things you don't know." Seonghwa tells him, making Yeosang's face heat up. "You'll see me on tv really soon. If I don't become an idol, I can just get into sports or something." He shrugs.

"You have all the talent in the world so I'm sure I'll see you winning music shows soon."

"Really? Thanks for your good wishes. Now I'm sure that'll definitely happen."

"Speaking of wishes... did you think about your wish?"

"I only have one thing to ask you." Seonghwa nods.

"What is it?"

"If San is the one you end up choosing..." He starts. "Don't become so distant from me."


"That'd hurt me too much." Seonghwa tells him. "What I'm trying to say is... even if I'm not the one you choose, I'd still like to be in your life. I'd still want to be there for you and at least continue being your friend... so please don't push me away. That's my wish."

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