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At the wonder duo agency

Bakugou was sipping on his Starbucks coffee as he did paperwork for today's activities. He was typing up a minor crime he stopped this morning when his phone rang.

Baku: hello?
Hospital: may you be able to visit today? The doctor has updates for you.
Baku: okay. Thank you

"Patrol is about to start. You may want to get fully dressed."said midoriya. Bakugou was still wearing his gym clothes from this morning workout session. Bakugou shook his head.

"I need to check on this kid at the hospital."said Bakugou.

"Oh! The little girl from the park! Didn't know you two was related."said midoriya. Bakugou log off his computer before standing up.

"We are not related."said bakugou. He grabbed his jacket from off his chair. "I will probably join dumb hair for parole later." He adds. He left the office. He went to hospital. He was barely few miles away from the hospital when he feel the ground shaking from sound waves. Bakugou rush  his way to the hospital. He followed the sound to a familiar patient room. The little girl was sitting on the bed crying as she wailed loudly. She stopped when bakugou entered the room. She smiled at him. Bakugou raised an eyebrow.

"You was making all the noise."said bakugou. The little girl looked guilty. The doctor guided bakugou to door before speaking.

"Her name is Bailey. She had selective mutism. Her parents are dead. Her relatives are refusing to take her in. I call you here because she is comfortable with you. We need to foster her for few weeks until we can send her to another facility."said doctor.

"What about the last facility she was in?"asked bakugou.

"She came from relative who was  fostering her. The relative dropped her at the adoption day event and abandoned her. The organization of event tried to convince the relative pick up the child."said the doctor.

"Ask another pro hero with kids already."said bakugou. He knew few of his classmates has children and knew few older heroes who had kids.

"We tried another heroes but she continued to super scream until you came. Please it just for few weeks."said the doctor. Bakugou wanted to denied because he didn't have time to take care of a kid. He glanced at the little girl. She was sat on the beads she twirl her hair in her hands. Bakugou felt bad for her. She lost her family connections and she lost her chance of being adopted due to the villain attack.

Bakugou did ask the organization when is the next adoption event. It's not until another 3 months. Bakugou needs at least keep her until next adoption day.

"Fine."he said. Doctor went to get some paperwork for temporary guardian and social worker. Bakugou walked to the little girl.

"I guess you are staying with me for a little while."said bakugou. Bailey smiled brightly.

~later that day

Bakugou was sitting across from Bailey at kitchen table. Bailey was happily eating the fries off her plate.

"There are house rules, you got to follow."said bakugou. Bailey nodded.

The house rules:
1. No quirks indoors
2. No eating outside of the kitchen
3. Lights out at 8pm

"You understand?"asked bakugou.  Bailey nodded. There was a knock at the door. Bakugou went to answer it. It was Mina and Kirishima. They let themselves in while bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Oi! I say buy few things! What is this?!"yelled bakugou as he gestured to the dozen of shopping bags on the floor of his living room.

"We didn't know what she needed and I got excited."said Mina.

"Where is she?"asked Kirishima as he look at the small apartment. Bakugou went to the kitchen. She was gone. The three heroes started looking for her in the apartment. Bakugou found her sitting in the trash can in the kitchen. She was covered in trash.

"Extras get out! You are scaring her!"yelled bakugou. The couple quickly left. Bakugou pulled the now dirt kid out of the trash can. He took her to the bathroom to get clean. He started the bath water.

"Can you wash yourself?"asked bakugou. Bailey shook her head.

"Stay."he said. He left the bathroom and look through the shopping bags for pajamas for her. He came back to the bathroom. Bailey was sitting on the toilet. Bakugou rush to close the door to give her privacy.

"You suppose to lock the door."he said. He lean against the wall across from the door. " come out when you are done." He looked at the pajamas in his hands. He hopefully it fits her. The nightgown was pro hero red riot themed. He made a mental note to purchase her some pro hero dynamight merch.

Then Bailey walked out of the bathroom. Bakugou walked in the bathroom. He turned off the water. Bailey got underdressed and hop in the water. Bakugou gave her a rubber duck that he found in one of shopping bags. Bailey was play with the toy as bakugou clean her. He tried not focus on how malnourished she looks. He started scrubbing her hair with shampoo. He immediately regretted not wearing gloves. Her hair was full of dandruff and dirty. He had to literally scrub her scalp to get the dirty off.  He had give second bath because the waters became too dirty.

After the bath, bakugou let her watch tv while he went through the shopping bags. The couple did buy the basic necessities like toothbrush, blankets and clothes. But they also bought few toys like books, legos, and a teddy bear. He went to his bedroom. He placed the stuff in his closet. He didn't had a second room to placed the kid in. He probably needs orders kid size bed to placed in his room. He can't sleep on the couch for too long while kid sleeps in his bed.

Bakugou joined Bailey on the couch with his laptop. He still had paperwork to do. He finished it up just in time for dinner. Bailey stomach was growling up at storm. Bakugou cooked spicy hot pot. Soon as the kid took one bite, he realized he made it too spicy. Bailey spit it out and gulped down some water. Bakugou made her regular ramen instead. After dinner, he took her to his room and guide her to bed. Bakugou had to think what his mother did to make him go to sleep. He grabbed the children book. He read the book until the little girl was a sleep. He went to get ready for bed.

Adopted by bakugou katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now