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At a radio station

Bakugou sat across the table from present mic. Bakugou listened to present mic advertise soda brand.

"What you think, Dynamight?"asked present mic. Bakugou was leaned back in his seat. He looked at the unopened can of soda in front of him. He glanced at the camera recording them. He debate about lying or not to promote the brand for his former teacher.

" don't care." He said. He chose to be neutral about his opinion. He couldn't lie because his fans like him for his slight brutal honesty. Present mic nodded.

"Back on topic about the incident that happened last week."said present mic. Bakugou explained about the husband that held his family captive.

"A little bird told me that when medics was late, you delivered the baby."he said. Bakugou nodded. He started complaining about the cops intelligence.

" it was part of my training as hero to know how deliver a kid. Those idiots cops ran away. One even fainted from the sight of it."said bakugou.

"How many baby did you deliver so far?"asked the host. Bakugou shrugged.

" through my career a lot. Within this year maybe 3."said bakugou.

" well if you ever have another kid, you are definitely prepared."the radio host said playfully. Bakugou shook his head.

" one kid is enough for me."said bakugou.

"Speaking of kids, I am assuming Bailey did your nails."said present mic. Bakugou had light purple nails.

"Yeah. It's ugly and she didn't even stay in the nail. She painted my whole finger tip. I had to wait until she was sleep to fix it." Said bakugou. Present mic eyes widen.

"You told her it was ugly?"asked the host.

"No. Contrary to popular belief, I am not mean to my daughter. I told her it's was good but I suggest that we get our nails painted once a month." Said bakugou. He smirked. " she can't read a calendar yet." He adds.

"Speaking of reading, I read an article the other day about you saving a bus from villain attack." Said present mic. Bakugou explains that was more team effort. He was telling the pros and cons of working with team that he has that day.

"Seems like you work best with your own agency."said present mic.

" well yeah. I train with them for years. Newer hero's are entering the field. So it takes a minute for me to adapt to them on scene."said bakugou. Usually, new heroes try to follow more experienced hero's instructions. However, some hotshots don't and it makes more problems for everyone involved.

"Any new heroes you want to recruit?"asked present mic. Bakugou usual doesn't recruit for his agency. Midoriya is in charge of that. Bakugou was about response when his phone rang. He looked at his phone. It was his mother. He answered FaceTime. His mother appeared on screen.

"What you want hag?"

"Translate what she is saying!"said mitsuki. She flipped the camera. Bailey signed with panic. Bakugou eyes widen when he realized what Bailey was saying.

"Hag, is the fish sleeping?"asked bakugou. Mitsuki rushed to the fish tank. She grimaced.

"Yup."said Mitsuki.

"Tell her that Mimi is resting and I will be home soon."said bakugou before hanging up. He sighed in defeat and annoyance that he had to buy new fish.

"Is the fish okay?"asked present mic.

"Of course not! The stupid fish was from an amusement park. Now it's dead."said bakugou.

"You should have a funeral."suggest present mic. Bakugou looked at him like he was crazy.

"No. I am not doing that. Mouse was crying mess when she saw that stupid fly from princess and frog died. I am not dealing with that again!"he said.

"You will be buying the same fish every few weeks."present mic points out.

"Aren't you supposed to be interviewing me?"said bakugou. He glared at him as hint to get back on subject.

After the interview, he went to pet store. He wait until Bailey out of living room to swap out the dishes. She was happy to see Mimi #2 was swimming again.

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