22. cake

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At the wonder duo

Bakugou was having meet PR team. He has to sit through 2 hours of media training again because he doesn't been posting on his social media. The team was going over different ideas for him. Bakugou wasn't paying attention. He was just counting the minutes until he can leave.

"-photo of Bailey."said one of staff.

"No."he said. Most of their ideas involved Bailey. He knows Bailey is a part of his life now but he doesn't want her image on the internet. It's bad enough that one photo of her at the restaurant was leaked to the public.

"People are curious about Bailey. Photo of doing her hobbies can help. It show you are proud of her."said one of staff.

"Or how about an interview? You can gave public some information about her in a control environment."they said.

"No."he said. He barely tolerate press conferences for the news. He isn't doing an interview.

"Dynamight, after the family drama with the todoroki family. The public really wants to know how heroes treat their family. Right now, you are hiding Bailey without an explanation. This can hinder you moving up in heroes ranking."said they. Bakugou folded his arms. He didn't want his ranking to drop but he need protect Bailey also.

"Fine. I will do an interview. I want it to be pre recorded."he said. The staff started taking notes on the idea. They started talking about questions that are to be avoided.


Bailey was playing her toys while bakugou sat on the couch and read a manga. There was a knock on the door. Bailey immediately ran to hid behind her toy bin. Bakugou went to go answer the door. It was his friends with balloons and a teddy bear.

"Mina you pregnant?"asked bakugou. Mina shook her head immediately.

"We heard the news. Congrats on the adoption."said Kirishima.

"It's not official."said bakugou. Kaminari showed bakugou a instagram post of adoption approval letter. Bakugou checked his email on his phone. The approval letter on his junk mail.

"Next time text, don't knock. You will scare the brat."he said before allowing them in. The friends started looking for Bailey.

"Bailey, have brought cake!"said Mina.

"She didn't had dinner yet."bakugou points out before sitting on the couch.

"Help us find her."said Kirishima.

"Oi! Mouse come here!"yelled bakugou. Bailey ran to bakugou from the hallway. Bakugou pick her up and place her on his lap.

"Congratulation Bailey!"said Kaminari.

"Stupid! I didn't tell her I officially adopted her yet!"said bakugou. Bailey knew already but she still hugged bakugou tightly.

"Let have cake!"said Mina.

"She didn't have dinner yet. You will spoil her dinner."said bakugou.

"One slice doesn't hurt!"said Mina.

"Yeah. One slice."said Kirishima. Bakugou glared at them. He was about say no again when he noticed Bailey looking at him with a begging expression.

"Fine. One small slice!"said bakugou. They went to the kitchen. Bailey happily followed them to the kitchen. Bakugou pushed her behind him when  Kaminari grabbed the knife while Mina unbox the cake.

"Wait we need a photo! Bakubro and Bailey stand next to the cake."said Kirishima. Bakugou pick Bailey up. They stand near the cake. It was small cake with the phrase 'adoption day'. Mina took the photo then group selfie. They ate the cake.

"Kara, what's for dinner?"asked Kirishima.

"Who said I am cooking you extras?"said bakugou.

"We haven't have homemade meal from you in months!"said Mina.

"No."said bakugou.

"We are guest! You have treat us nicely."said Kirishima.

"You should set a good example for your daughter."Kaminari points out. Bakugou activated his quirk in his hand. He was about speak when Bailey clapped her hands.

"Rule number 1!"signed Bailey. Bakugou deactivated his quirk.

"What did that mean?"asked Mina to bakugou.

"None of ya business."said bakugou.

"She said about number one."said Kirishima. He knew how sign numbers.

"You guys find way to communicate! That's amazing."said Mina. Bakugou scoffed.

"She barely uses sign language. I just got better at reading her expressions."said bakugou. His friends looked impressed. Bailey looked at her father proudly.

Adopted by bakugou katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now