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At the amusement park

Bailey was waiting in line for the ride. Bakugou held her hand as they waited. Bailey watch with excitement as the children coaster went in circle in a up and down motion. She happily when the ride end and the worker allowed people in. Her excitement died when the worker guided her to the height measurement chart. Bailey looked at the worker who grimaced.

"Maybe next year."said the worker. Bailey frowned. She went to her father with sad eyes. Bakugou patted her head.

"Height requirements is there to keep you safe."said bakugou as he regrets not checking his daughter height before coming here. He guide her away from the rides and to game booths. She suck at them. So bakugou had to play in order for to earn a prize.

She was playing knock the down bottle game. She threw the balls at the bottles but none of them even reach close to the bottles. Bailey pouted. Bakugou paid to play. He knock down the bottles on the first try. The worker looked annoyed.

"It's too cheating to use your quirk."said the worker before giving the prize to Bailey.

"If I used my quirk, your booth would had been in flames."said bakugou before leaving. Bailey pointed to food truck. They waited in line while Bailey was thinking of names for all her new plushies. When it was their turn, the worker eyes widen in shocked.

"You are pro hero Dynamight."said the worker before squealing with excitement. Bailey was slightly getting annoyed at the fact that people knew her father. People keep walked up to bakugou for autographs and photos. He refuses them but more people come and try to attempt.

"Yeah. So I want two tacos-"bakugou stop talking when Bailey tug on his hand. She points to the cotton candy photo on the menu. "And cotton candy." He adds. The worker made the order. Bakugou paid before walking away. They sat at Picnic table under the umbrella. They were eating when another fan approached them but this time they were excited to see Bailey.

"OMG! You are way more adorable in person!"said the fan. She was about take a photo of Bailey when bakugou blasted the phone of the fan hands.

"Don't bother my daughter."he said. The fan apologized before walking away. After their meal, they went to play more booth games. Bailey ring toss. The prize was fish. Bailey tried multiple times before giving up.

Bakugou toss the ring and missed. Bailey was confused. He tried again and missed. The worker was surprised at pro hero. With the last ring in his hand, he toss it and missed.

"Oh no. I lost. " said bakugou with frown.

"You can try agai-" bakugou interrupted the worker.

"Do you want to play different game?"said bakugou to his daughter. Bakugou purposely lost. He didn't want to take care of a fish that known to die in days.

Bailey shook her head and point to game then herself. He pay for to play again. Bailey missed the two times. Bakugou was suggest different game when Bailey won.

"Which fish you want?"asked the worker. Bakugou cursed Bailey good luck. Bailey picked an orange fish. Bailey wanted to go home after her win. Bakugou had to stop at the pet store to make stuff for the new pet fish.

Bakugou set up the fish tank in the living room as he spoke.

"What's the fish name?"asked bakugou.

"M-e-o-w" signed Bailey. Bakugou had to bit his tongue to stop himself for calling her stupid for that stupid name.

"Maybe Mimi for short?"bakugou suggested. Bailey agreed. The fish Mimi swam in its new tank. Bailey watch with a smile.

Adopted by bakugou katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now