44. Promise Me, Promise You

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Press Release

Clarification Regarding False Social Media Allegations Involving Kartika Adhyaksa Putri


Jakarta, Indonesia – June 3, 2014 – We are issuing this press release to address and clarify recent misinformation circulated on social media concerning Kartika Adhyaksa Putri.

It has come to our attention that certain social media accounts have disseminated erroneous claims suggesting Kartika Adhyaksa Putri's involvement in drug use and a case related to the tragic passing of her close friend. We want to emphasize that these allegations are entirely unfounded and lack any basis in truth.

Kartika Adhyaksa Putri indeed shared a friendship with the victim. However, any insinuations regarding her involvement in criminal activities are unequivocally false. Kartika has consistently demonstrated integrity and adherence to ethical standards.

Regarding Kartika's recent return to Indonesia, it was at the behest of her father, Aditya Adhyaksa, following her departure from Macquarie University to pursue studies at Le Cordon Bleu. This transition was solely motivated by academic pursuits and is unrelated to the aforementioned rumors.

The Adhyaksa family is deeply troubled by these malicious falsehoods and will take decisive legal action against those responsible for disseminating such misinformation. We will pursue legal recourse under the prevailing laws, including the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (ITE Law), specifically Article 27 regarding defamation and slander through electronic media.

In addressing the broader context, we acknowledge that there may be speculation surrounding Kartika's past experiences. However, it is important to recognize that personal journeys are complex and multifaceted. Kartika has embarked on a path of self-improvement and personal growth, which is a private matter for her and her family.

We implore the public and media to exercise discretion and refrain from further spreading unverified information. We appreciate the support and understanding of those who stand by us during this challenging period.

### End of Release ###


Kartika menghela napas sekeras-kerasnya ketika menarik kopernya. Aditya tak melepasnya begitu saja. Ia benar-benar dipaksa untuk pergi ke Singapura.

Ada perasaan kosong di dadanya. Kali ini, untuk kedua kalinya, ia harus pergi dan kabur. Rasanya, menyakitkan. Perempuan itu menggeret kopernya dengan berat hati bersebelahan dengan Aditya yang ikut berjalan di sampingnya.

Kartika menyerahkan kopernya ke arah konter check in. Setelah ini, rencananya, ia akan berada di Singapura selama setahun. Aditya akan mengatur untuk kesibukan yang bisa Kartika lakukan di Singapura—yang kemungkinan besar adalah pendidikan.

Media sosial Adrianna sudah mengunggah klarifikasi terkait hubungannya dengan Kian kemarin. Memberitahu bahwa mereka sudah putus dan foto itu adalah foto lama mereka di tahun lalu. Setidaknya, itu lebih dari cukup untuk membersihkan nama Kian dan membuat Kian bebas.

"Kenapa Papa mau aku ke Singapura?" tanya Kartika pelan.

Aditya menengok. Ia tersenyum kecil. "Kamu belum stabil," ucapnya. "Keputusan itu Papa ambil setelah melihat kamu beteriak histeris di rumah Gayatri."

Kartika memalingkan wajah lalu menutupnya. Ia benar-benar kacau.

"That's okay, Little Star. Baby steps," kata Aditya menenangkan. "Setelah dari sini juga, Papa mau kamu ketemu Veronica. Sudah lama kamu nggak update sama dia, kan?"

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