Chapter 79: Shadow at Dawn

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"We're under attack!"

"Leave them alone, critters!" Guardian pulled out his pulse generators and blasted the demons who were trying to climb the trees. "Target Pulse: Machine Gun!"

Guardian caught the attention of demons and started attacking the android instead, overpowering it with number.

"Guardian!" Bulls exclaimed.

"We must not only observe. We shall help Guardian!" Thor raised his hand and powerful bolt of lightning hit him, electrocuting the demons who were trying to climb his tree.

James and Hiro leaped out of their trees.

"Great Agua: Great Wave!"

"Thunderstorm Wind Shears!"

"James, Hiro!" Bulls called them. "We should go! We can't defeat them all!"

"You're right. Many more of them are still coming!" Blackfoot looked at the horizon, his sight reached the view of the titanic wall of Ribora. "We must escape to Ribora. Their fortress wall is impenetrable and their weapons are more than enough to annihilate these critters."

"Above the trees, leap, fly! Just don't let yourselves get caught by these demons!" Bulls took his backpack. "Everyone!"


James and Hiro kicked each other's feet and dashed back up by leaping from one tree to the other.

"You demons! You're so disgusting!" Guardian blasted his thrusters and flew up in the air. "Eat these!" It turned down to face the demons down and aimed at the demons. His back plates opened and missiles flew out of it.


"Prioritize our escape!" Blackfoot exclaimed.

They dashed and leaped from one branch to the other, and flew above the treetops. However, as they reached the edge of the tall savanna, they had no other choice but to run in the open. After they entered the plains, the demons started running much faster and began galloping around, trying to surround them in the middle of the field.

Guardian is flying behind them, trying slow the demons down with his pulse generators, though not enough as the number of these demons kept on rising. Swarm after swarm, wave after wave, endless as it may look, a dangerously hard situation they were in. Until a loud thunderclap echoed.

"Run in haste, I shall buy you some time."

"But Thor!" Bulls tried to stop him.

"Worry not, I can handle these indecent beings." Thor stopped running and began walking back towards the titanic wave of demons who were trampling the green and flowering field. The God of Thunder raised his hand and allowed its beneficial power to course through his veins.

Guardian fired his last batch of missiles and flew back to escort his friends at the front, "Break a leg, Thor!" It smiled as Guardian flew passed him.

"I would not break my leg!"

"It means good– nevermind, break your leg!" Guardian shouted annoyed.

"I am exhausted. As far as I can recall, we have already decimated you, though I was wrong, humans were wrong and even my realm failed to predict the return of these abominations." He sighed, the rumbling of the Earth intensifies every second. "What a shame. An Æsir, who fought and won battles running from hordes of impudent, blood thirsty beings."

Thor began to run towards the demons, "Allfather lend me your strength." He breathed deeply and leaped up high in he air, hundreds of lightning struck his body. "God of Thunder: Thunder Giant..." his body began to gleam brightly, brighter than he rising sun. Then after the flash, a titanic figure appeared above the demons, casting a faint shadow. "... El Thor!"

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