A/N: GUYS the 'Mialotte' photo sent me into a spiral. The editing is SO good. Decided I wanted to write something like a little argument. Do not worry in the next part Mialotte will be saved again. Please refrain from reading if you are upset by alcohol, crude language and fighting (1482 words)
Prompt: Marjorie has found out about Charlotte and Mia. Marjorie and Charlotte falling out tore Char into pieces. She is attempting to forget it all as she manages to put herself in an even worse situation. She argues with the love of her life. As every British individual does, she goes to the bar for comfort...
Charlotte was never one to shout. Charlotte was never one to scream. Charlotte was most certainly never one to swear. Marjorie pushed her further than the edge. Out of all days, it had to be the one where she had the least amount of sleep, the most amount of work and had to now tolerate the most bullshit from Marjorie.
Char and Marj had been work-friends for over 10 years. Charlotte most definitely saw Marjorie as family, and the two had helped one another in countless situations. They would, before today, consider themselves the best of friends. Maybe even better friends than she is with Carly.
Even when the two were newly acquainted, they had so many heart-warming memories together. Charlotte would always help Marj pick what Halloween costume to wear at the Nursery's party. To no-ones surprise, some of the outfits Marjorie wanted to wear were atrocious. Especially before Reece had come into the picture, and her manager was head-over-heels in regards to that one 'Hot Single Dad.' Let's just say that Char had to talk Marj out of a LOT of 'sexy nurse' outfits over the years. Charlotte didn't really see Marjorie as her manager. It was like working with family. How was a relationship that formed over 10 years crumbling right in front of her. Just because she liked a woman.
Marjorie continued her already overdue rant: "Charlotte it's disgusting. I don't get how you could be with that rude bitch! What on earth do you see in that hell-sent devil's spawn. How could you cheat on him. How could you, he is such a sweet man. What do you see in THAT in replacement to him! It is so disgusting, I think I am actually going to be sick. I feel like I don't even know you, I don't recognise you. What the fu-"
Charlotte snapped. "God Marjorie that is not true! If you even had bothered to use an ounce of your fickle, thick brain you would know that I would never cheat on my husband. Well if you ever took a notice to care, he is my ex-husband now! You have been so enthralled in this fantasy 'phenomenal' phone call crap to even notice that I was practically dissolving in front of you. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM HERE MARJORIE!
I I- mean just to plop you back into fucking reality Autumn, Winter and I have been drowning in work and all you care about is if Reece is behaving at work. A real friend of mine would've asked me how I am. How many times would I have had to break down right in front of you to simply NOTICE something was wrong with me-" Her throat had closed up. She felt the emotions run through her body. Almost like it was a sign to not waste any more energy on the cruel monster she saw sitting across her. Marjorie was in her seat, arms crossed defensively, you could see a change in her emotion. Maybe it was regret. Frankly, Charlotte didn't care what it was. She just knew her and Marj were over. So much so for a so-called "best-friend."
"Charlotte- my love..."
Charlotte scoffed at her. Rolled her eyes, slammed the paperwork she came to bring in. Walked out her office. Slammed the door nice and rough to prove a point.
She felt good. That was good! She showed Marjorie who's boss. Hell yeah! Charlotte stood there, basking in the afterglow of her victory. She had done it. She had stood up for herself in a way she never thought possible. The adrenaline coursed through her veins, making her feel invincible. But as the echoes of the slamming door faded, a heavy silence settled over her in the hallway outside the office...
The reality of what had just transpired began to seep in, like ink spreading across a page. Char's breath hitched as the high started to dissipate, leaving a hollow ache in its wake. She sank onto the floor, her legs suddenly weak, knees bent to her chest. Her earlier bravado crumbling like a fragile mask. She glanced around the hallway, Marjorie just called her "my love," she was never going to hear her say those words again.
Speaking of the devil, Charlotte recognised the familiar footsteps of the reason her and Marjorie were no longer friends. Amelia Roberts. One would assume that Charlotte needed Mia right now. That was far from what she needed. Charlotte needed to be alone. She was pondering about the fact that Marjorie did have some valid points in their argument.
She got up from her crouched position so fast she felt kind of dizzy. Charlotte was so used to all this 'covering emotions up' stuff, it only took her a split second to wipe her eyes with her sleeves and walk away before the redhead attempted to catch up to her. Mia wanted to surprise her sweetheart.
Mia placed her slender hands on Char's shoulders. "Boo! Guess who sweetheart!"
Charlotte kissed her teeth and shrugged her shoulders aggressively, not even turning around to acknowledge the redhead, causing Mia's heart to break a little. Did she do something to upset Char?
"For fuck's sake Mia just go away, leave me alone. I don't want to see you. You've done enough to me today."
"Alright, call me if you change your mind. Call me if you need someone to talk to." Mia's tone had flipped upside down and was cold and defensive. Shit. How was she so caring towards Charlotte all the time. Even when Char swore at her! But was so rude to all the other staff. Why?
As Mia had walked back into her car. Charlotte watched her secretly from the baby room, watched her drive off, tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image until it was an indistinct blur of colours and memories. Poor charlotte buried her face in her hands, the first sob breaking free from her chest, raw and unrestrained. The weight of the loss hit her with full force. She had lost her best friend, and it felt like she lost the woman she loved most in a matter of minutes. Could this day get any worse..?
Towards the end of her shift, she had calmed down but still torn to bits. Reece came over to Char. He had talked to her and said he couldn't make it to their therapy session tonight. Charlotte had completely forgotten about it and as a result was quite relieved. Without thinking properly, she joked with Reece: "No worries, I was going to hit the pub once you had left anyway. No chocolate for me tonight!"
Reece chuckled, "sounds like you have an interesting night awaiting you. Take care Charlotte. I'll see you on Monday! Have a nice weekend."
"You too Reece, take care!"
Before she could even begin to think about the events of the day. Charlotte was in the bar. Wasted. She was so far gone she was telling a young man at the bar how she couldn't believe that she had found out her hidden talent for dramatic exits. "Maybe I missed my calling as an actress" she slurred out. If you needed to get one thing straight, it was that Charlotte did not drink. 9 shots deep, 2 G&T's, and one too many glasses of black velvet. All equally tasted wonderful. The after-effects were what was worrying to witness.
Huh..? Char thought to herself. 13 missed calls. Mia? Clearly not in the mind-frame to be conscious about why Mia was calling her, she rested her head in her hands feeling the cool, smooth grain of the wood beneath her fingertips. The faint scent of spilled beer and citrus cleaner mingled in the air, a familiar, comforting aroma.
Little to her knowledge, this night was about to get a hell of a lot more interesting.
(Guys I know I said I didn't like angst... but reading some has converted me slightly. But I also so want them to make up right this second and just communicate! I think Marj and Char will continue not being friends but Mia and her will talk in tomorrows chapter. It'll be cute because I cannot keep them away from one anther. Pls keep recommending chapters. Hope you enjoyed, this was tough to write!)
Mialotte: Eternal Sweethearts
FanficCharlotte's world turns upside down, but she finds salvation in a hot-mess redhead, who reads her like an open book, seeing her in ways no one else has ever dared to...