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Draft night arrives and Caitlin is kind enough to let Jessica catch a ride with them rather than forcing her to use public transportation. The girls are all dressed up and Jessica can honestly say that everyone looks amazing.

When they reach the Brooklyn Academy of Music, everyone goes their separate ways. Caitlin has a table reserved for her for the draft and the rest of the girls were going to sit in the audience with their coach. Jessica had to go to the section reserved for the media, but they all agreed that they would go to the after party together. Or rather Jessica agreed to meet Kate, Jada, and Gabbie. Caitlin had too much media and press to do.

"With the first pick in the 2024 WNBA draft, the Indiana Fever select, Caitlin Clark from the University of Iowa."

The crowd cheers and the shutter of camera can be heard as Caitlin embraces her family members before making her way onto the stage. Jessica sighs feeling conflicted at the fact that it was now official that she and Caitlin would be working together. She honestly liked the other girls, but she knew Caitlin probably didn't like her. But she wasn't going to worship her like everyone else was. She was an amazing player, but she wasn't perfect. Good journalism was reporting the good along with the bad.

The first round goes by quickly and by the second round, Jessica was getting anxious as she looked over at Kate in the audience who didn't seem to be expecting anything.

"With the 18th pick in the 2024 WNBA draft, the Las Vegas Aces select, Kate Martin from the University of Iowa."

Jessica smiles as Kate stands in the crowd and makes her way on stage. She felt that she honestly deserved this moment.

Once the draft is over, there's a press conference for Caitlin, that Jessica opts not to sit on since it was for major news sources and they would all be asking the basic questions, are you excited to be in Indiana? Did you know you were going first? Who are you most excited to play against? Blah, blah, blah.


She turns to see Kate standing there with a wide grin on her face and Jessica smiles.

"Can I say it?" Jessica asks.

"Go ahead," Kate says.

"I told you so!" Jessica exclaims as she embraces Kate, "You're an Ace baby!"

"This is so exciting!" Kate says absolutely beaming.

"Okay now you just have to kick ass at training camp," Jessica tells her, "It's as simple as that. Just be your annoyingly good self."

"Oh yeah so simple," Kate responds with a laugh, "But I'm not going to think of it. Tonight, we celebrate! Are you working?"

"Nah I'll interview Caitlin when she gets to Indianapolis. Let's party!"

"Hell yeah!" Kate says, "But first I have a surprise for you."

"Kate, no more surprises!" Jessica says as Kate takes her hand.

"Just one more," Kate says as she drags Jessica along to a corner of the room. There was a small group of people gathered there.

"Hey you guys!" Kate says. Heads turn and Jessica's stomach drops as she realizes that she's standing in front of Paige Bueckers, Azzi Fudd, Aaliyah Edwards, and Nika Muhl. The UCONN girls.

"Hey Kate," Nika greets, "What's up?"

"This is Jessica Williams," Kate introduces, "She hates Iowa and is a huge UCONN fan."

"I don't hate Iowa, but I am a huge UCONN fan," Jessica says, "Really crazy stuff that happened to you guys in the Final Four. Aaliyah, I total thought that screen was set, the game was totally rigged and Nika your defense was amazing, you literally forced Caitlin out of the offense. And Azzi last year against NC State you were phenomenal! And Texas! Honestly everyone should be scared for your return. And Paige, well you know you're great."

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