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When Jessica lands in Las Vegas, Kate is waiting for her at the airport with a poster that has her name on it with a bunch of hearts. Jessica laughs as she walks toward Kate and Jessica forgets her bag as she runs toward Kate and jumps into her arms. Kate catches her and spins her around.

"Hey Ace," Jessica greets.

"Hi pretty girl," Kate says.

Jessica laughs as Kate sets her down.

"I missed you," Jessica says softly.

"I missed you too," Kate says as she looks at her with a smile.

Jessica shrugs coyly, "Are you going to kiss your girl or what?"

Kate looks around, "My girl? Do you see her around here or something?"

Jessica laughs as she grabs Kate's chin and forces her to look at her. Kate smiles at her and leans down and presses a kiss to Jessica's lips. Jessica can't help as she smiles into the kiss. Honestly, she was so happy to be back in Kate's arms.

"You're so pretty," Jessica tells Kate.

"I literally just got out of practice," Kate tells her.

"I wouldn't have even noticed, that's how good you look," Jessica says.

"You don't have to flatter me, I'm already your girlfriend," Kate says, and Jessica laughs as she steals another kiss.

They go back to Kate's apartment which was super nice, and Jessica looks around the apartment and looks over at Kate who was watching her as she looked around.

"This is nice!" Jessica says, "It doesn't have roaches or anything!"

Kate laughs and shakes her head as she takes Jessica's suitcase into her bedroom. Jessica follows Kate into her bedroom and looks at Kate with a smirk.

"So, this is where all the magic happens?" Jessica asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"What magic? Sleeping?" Kate asks.

"Yeah," Jessica says as she looks at Kate, "That."

Kate smiles as she walks over to Jessica and wraps her arms around her. Jessica hugs her back and just stands there in Kate's embrace. Kate kisses the top of her forehead and Jessica closes her eyes at the feeling.

"Wanna make dinner together?" Kate asks.

"I can't cook," Jessica says as she looks at Kate.

"Want to attempt to make dinner together?" Kate rephrases and Jessica laughs as she nods her head.

Jessica's phone rings and she pulls it out of her pocket to see that Caitlin was calling her. She looks at her phone curiously before answering it.


"Hey," Caitlin says, "Um are you in Las Vegas?"

"Yeah, I landed like an hour ago," Jessica says, and Kate looks at her curiously before she simply mouths 'Caitlin.' Kate smiles and nods her head before heading out of the bedroom, leaving Jessica to talk to Caitlin.

"That's good," Caitlin says.

"Why? You worried about me, Clark?" Jessica asks as she sits down on Kate's bed.

"Maybe a little," Caitlin says.

"I'm fine," Jessica says as she leans back on the bed, "Kate's taking good care of me."

"I bet," Caitlin mutters and Jessica's brows furrow at the sound of Caitlin's voice. Jessica wasn't an idiot. She knew Caitlin was getting weird around her. If she knew any better, she'd think Caitlin was crushing on her a little, but once again Caitlin was extremely straight and has a boyfriend.

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