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Jessica sneaks into Kate's apartment using the spare key that she'd told her about. It was nearly 2 in the morning, and she had texted Kate that she was getting in late and that she could just stay at the hotel, but Kate insisted that no matter what time they got to Las Vegas that she wanted Jessica to come over, even if she was sleeping.

Jessica closes the door softly behind her as she moves through Kate's apartment. She leaves her suitcase in the hallway, and she strips out of the clothes she'd worn on the bus before quickly changing into one of Kate's Iowa sweatshirts that was lying around.

Kate was sound asleep in bed, clutching tightly to her childhood blanket that she always slept with. Jessica smiled at the sight as she leaned over and pressed a kiss to Kate's cheek. Kate was normally a sound sleeper, but the kiss had her stirring.

"Baby?" Kate says softly. Her voice was raspy from having just woke up and it was possibly the cutest and hottest thing that Jessica had ever heard in her life.

"Yeah it's me," Jessica whispers.

Kate smiles as she turns over and lifts the covers off of her. She reaches out and drags Jessica on top of her and Jessica laughs as she collapses into Kate. Kate's arms wrap around her, and her blanket is long forgotten with Jessica in her arms.

"Tried to wait up for you," Kate mutters as she closes her eyes, "'m sorry."

"Don't apologize," Jessica says.

"Missed you," Kate says.

"I missed you too," Jessica says as she sits up and looks at Kate. Her eyes flutter open revealing baby blues and Jessica smiles at her. Kate smiles back at her.

"You look really pretty," Kate says.

Jessica laughs, "So do you."

Kate shakes her head, "Not as pretty as you. You are an angel. Not Angel Reese. You're definitely not her."

Jessica snorts, "Go back to sleep Kate." 

Kate holds her a little tighter, "Be here when I wake up?"

"Always," Jessica says as she kisses Kate's jaw. The answer seems to satisfy Kate as she smiles and allows herself to fall back asleep.

Later that morning, Kate wakes up before Jessica. She watches her girlfriend sleep with a smile. Jessica was snoring softly and while everything Jessica did was cute, she found this was the cutest thing she did.

Jessica suddenly rolled over, smacking Kate in the face.

"Ow!" Kate says and Jessica open her eyes at the sound and then is suddenly awake as she sees her girlfriend holding her nose.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry," Jessica says, "Let me see."

Kate laughs, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure," Jessica says, and Kate nods her head.

"My nose has unfortunately been through a lot," Kate says with a laugh.

"Still, I'm sorry," Jessica apologizes.

Kate shakes her head and smile, "It's okay."

Jessica smiles sheepishly at her, "Happy gameday?"

Kate laughs, "Thanks."

"Excited to face off against Caitlin?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah, it's gonna be weird to be going against her, but it'll be fun," Kate tells her, "And our coaches are coming to watch us."

"You mean your aunt?" Jessica asks and Kate laughs.

"They're one and the same."

"This is an Iowa family affair," Jessica says with a smile, "Like an Iowa family reunion."

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