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Jessica didn't really realize that Kate and Caitlin had entangled themselves in her life until they were gone. Well, they weren't really gone, Kate of course called and texted her every day and Caitlin harassed her in person, but Jessica wasn't talking to either of them. It was best that she didn't speak to either of them because she was angry, and she probably would say things that she didn't really mean.

Jessica was at the bar with her friends, with her third margarita in front of her. She rested her chin in the palm of her hand, watching as Josh tried to shoot his shot at some blonde by the bar. Vanessa and Brooke were there, watching Josh as well. The outing was meant to be for Jessica to make her feel better, but it quickly turned into her friends trying to pull and being completely unable to.

"She's going to give him her number," Vanessa says, ever the hopeful.

"No, she's not," Brooke says, "If he used the line about his friend wanting her number and him being the friend she's walking away."


"Who cares," Jessica says, "Look at how bad her roots are."

Brooke gasps, "Jess!"

"Jessica!" Vanessa says, "You know we don't root shame!"

Josh pulls out his phone just as the girl turns away from him and walks back toward her friend group.

"And he fails," Brooke says, "We should have put money on it."

"How is it that the only person with the power to pull is Jess?" Vanessa asks as she looks at Jessica who is sipping on her margarita. Brooke also looks at Jessica and squints her eyes. Jessica looks at them, raising her brows.

"It's the athlete thing," Brooke concludes, "Jessica also was weird in middle school, so she has personality. Athlete, hot, funny, she honestly doesn't need much more than that."

"Fuck Iowa," Jessica says randomly.

Brooke and Vanessa both look at Jessica and slowly nod their heads.

"So, you're really done with Caitlin and Kate? And I want you to think really hard about being done with Caitlin because that girl has a brand-new Lexus," Brooke says. Vanessa gives Brooke a look who simply shrugs.

"I would start an Only Fans and would sell pictures of my fucking asshole before I'd ever want anything from Caitlin Clark," Jessica says.

"Okay!" Brooke says, "Well Caitlin Clark is officially canceled."

"And Kate?" Vanessa asks.

Jessica doesn't say anything as she slurps up the last of her margarita. Jessica inspects the glass and nods her head, "I've reached my calorie count for the day so now I will be consuming water."

"Okay?" Brooke says as she watches Jessica stand and walk over to the bar. She gets a glass of water and looks at Josh who is still staring longingly at the blonde with bad roots. Jessica looks at Josh and sighs as she grabs her cup of water and walks over to the blonde and her friends.

"Excuse me," Jessica says, and everyone looks over at her. Jessica smiles charmingly at them, "Pretty dull crowd tonight."

"I have seen better," one of the blonde's friends says, but she wasn't the target.

Jessica focuses her attention on Bad Roots, "You have any luck tonight?"

"Not really," she says before tilting her head coyly, "Are you trying to change that?"

Jessica laughs, "I am, but not in the way you think."

"Oh?" Bad Roots asks.

Jessica nodded toward Josh who was standing helplessly by the bar, "That is my friend Josh. I know you talked to him earlier and he gave you a terrible line about his friend wanting you and then he turned out to be the friend and it's my fault, I gave him the terrible pickup line."

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