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The Sky and Fever game had been long awaited by many. Many people were still pushing the Angel and Caitlin rivalry which Jessica honestly thought was stupid because there were so many better rivalries to be pushed, but people liked drama and they forced that with the two young stars.

Jessica was an Angel Reese fan because she liked how she was unapologetically herself. People made her the villain and Angel kind of owned that and Jessica thought it was badass. Angel Reese would always have her respect for that.

Angel and Jessica had actually exchanged a few messages. After Jessica had interviewed and played a very aggressive game of UNO with Tyrese Haliburton, Angel had messaged her and simply asked – When are we doing the interview?

Jessica had promised Angel they could do it when the Sky and the Fever played later in June. Jessica would have done the interview if it weren't for the fact that she had invited literally everyone to her godmother's lake house for the weekend. After asking Caitlin if she wanted to come to the lake house, she made the mistake of mentioning to her friends that she was going to the lake house and they took that as an invitation and then Jessica had invited NaLyssa which ended up as an invitation to all the Fever which meant there was probably going to be like a million people at the lake house.

So, Jessica couldn't interview Angel, but Angel was super understanding and they agreed to do their interview over Wingstop, which Angel and Jessica both found that they loved, at a later date.

As the Sky players took the court, Angel came over and Jessica met her halfway, extending her hand to Angel, "Jessica Williams," she introduced, "Huge fan of your work."

"Girl shut up," Angel says with a laugh as she pulls Jessica in for a hug as though the two of them were old friends, "What work are you even talking about?"

"Beating Iowa in the championship, duh," Jessica responds.

Angel laughs at the comment, "Thank you. I'm also a huge fan of your work."

"That means a lot coming from you," Jessica says, "So not to sound needy or anything but there's become this tradition where people-"

Angel holds up a Chicago jersey with the number 5 on it and Jessica can't help the loud laugh that escapes her. She had honestly been joking but the fact that Angel was giving her a jersey was the funniest thing ever and she really couldn't wait to see Caitlin's reaction to that one.

"You are literally the best person ever," Jessica says as she takes the jersey from Angel.

"If you back out on that interview, I'm taking that back," Angel tells her.

"I promise I won't back out," Jessica insists, "Good luck out there, Angel! Get a double double!"

Angel offers her a wave before heading back on the court with her team.

"Well aren't you popular."

Jessica spins quickly to see Kate standing there.

"What the fuck!" Jessica shouted, startled but also surprised. Kate stared at her with wide eyes unsure if Jessica's reaction was good or bad. Jessica stared at Kate a moment as her brain registered that it was Kate standing in front of her.

"Oh my God! Kate!" Jessica exclaims as she jumps into Kate's arms. Kate catches her with ease and lets out a laugh, "You're here! You're here! You're here!"

"Wait," Jessica says as she looks at Kate, "You are here, right?"

"Kiss me and find out," Kate tells her and Jessica smiles as she leans in and kisses Kate on the lips and she could definitely confirm that her girlfriend was indeed here, but how was she here?

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