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Caitlin had noticed that Jessica was in something of a sad mood as she covered the Fever's loss against the Sparks. Obviously, Jessica and Caitlin had not really been talking to one another and Jessica had seemed to spend the weekend with Paige and they had filmed a very fun video that Caitlin couldn't help but be jealous of, watching how in sync the two of them were on and off the court.

However, Caitlin felt that something must have happened that left Jessica in a mood that was unlike herself.

Caitlin knew she should just leave Jessica alone, but she was stubborn and unable to do that.

She walks over to Jessica who was grabbing her bag and about to sling it over her shoulder. She looks up at Caitlin and there's no teasing comment, not even a rude comment. Jessica simply looks at her and offers the polite smile one would a stranger.

"Hey," Jessica greets, "Good game tonight. First 30-point game in the league. Sorry it had to be accompanied by a loss."

Those words were very unlike Jessica. Normally she'd give a compliment and somehow, she'd magically twist in an insult.

"Thanks," Caitlin says skeptically.

"Yeah," Jessica asks, offering another tightlipped smile, "I have to go. See you."

Jessica turns to head toward the exit most commonly used by media, but Caitlin follows after her, still in her jersey and game shoes.

"Hey," Caitlin says, "I know things have been weird, but are we okay?"

"You and I?" Jessica asks Caitlin, "We're fine."

"Are you sure?" Caitlin wonders.

"Yeah," Jessica states, "Do you think we're not fine?"

"You've been avoiding me," Caitlin states.

"Well you tried to kiss me," Jessica answers, "That kind of puts a damper on a friendship."

Caitlin sighs, "I am sorry about that. I would have never tried that if I was sober. And look I know I've been a pain in the ass and I've ignored you when you said you aren't interested in me but I get it now and if you want I'll shove my feelings so far down that I'm basically shitting them out."

Jessica snorts at the words. It's not a full-on laugh nor is it a chuckle. It's restrained, but it's restrained by something else.

"We're fine Caitlin," Jessica tells her.

"Then what's wrong?" Caitlin asks, her brows knitting together in concern as she looks at Jessica. She was used to seeing Jessica smile and this felt wrong. She would have even preferred Jessica's anger at this moment.

"Nothing," Jessica says, "I'm just tired."

"I know you may not want to talk to me about it, but have you at least told Kate?" Caitlin asks.

"There's nothing to tell her," Jessica mutters.

Caitlin tilts her head, "Clearly there is."

"No there isn't," Jessica insists, clearly getting worked up. Jessica defuses the tension from her body and points back toward the gym, "You just had a 30-point game. Go celebrate or something. You're probably Rookie of the Month."

Caitlin knows that she isn't getting anything out of Jessica, so she opts for something else, "Hey um I have to go to a Reds game. I know you aren't the biggest fan of baseball, but would you want to come?"

She's ready for Jessica to say no.

"The Reds?" Jessica asks thoughtfully.

"Yeah," Caitlin nods.

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