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Jessica looks at up to see her godmother walking over. Her eyes widen and she looks at Vanessa who smiles at her. Jessica looks around for an escape, but she can't find one in time.

"Julie," Jessica says with a smile, "Hi."

"How was Vegas?" Julie asks.

"It was good," Jessica says nodding her head, "Um Kate and I went to the bar with the team. She gave me an adult sized Kate Martin jersey."

"How cute!" Julie says, "When she comes to Indiana, you'll have to introduce us."

"Absolutely not," Jessica says.

Julie frowns, "Why not? I'm the reason you and Kate found yourselves in New York at the same time."

"Maybe, but you'll scare Kate away," Jessica says, "And I really like her."

"Which is why I should meet her!" Julie exclaims, "Shouldn't I be able to meet her Vanessa?"

Vanessa, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, looks up with a smile. 

"I think we all should be able to meet Kate," Vanessa says. Jessica narrows her eyes at Vanessa who simply shrugs, "You didn't let us meet your last girlfriend."

"My last girlfriend was in college. We'd broken up by the time I moved here," Jessica says.

Vanessa waves her hand dismissively, "All the reason for us to meet your new girlfriend! I've never really seen you in a relationship before."

Jessica shrugs, "I mean I'm totally normal."

"I don't know, you're giving puppy love," Vanessa teases, "Flying out to see her, making Instagram posts, hiding her away from your close friends and family."

"Fine! When Kate comes to Indiana we'll go to dinner. Everyone happy?" Jessica says as she looks at everyone, "Great! Now I have to go to the Fever practice facility."

"Speaking of!" Julie exclaims, "What's the deal with you and Caitlin?"

"I was wondering the same thing," Vanessa adds, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. Jessica rolls her eyes, knowing that they're talking about Caitlin's little interview.

"Caitlin thinks she's funny. That's what's going on."

"She's kind of funny," Vanessa says, "Watching you guys is actually pretty entertaining."

"See! I'm a mastermind! I knew they'd feed off of each other's energy and now they're viral," Julie says.

Jessica rolls her eyes, "Can I go now?"

"Yes, as long as you promise to make more content with Caitlin," Julie says.

"Sure," Jessica says, "Bye!"

She grabs her badge and leaves her desk before leaving the station. When she reaches the Fever facility, the team is practicing and she stands courtside, watching as the team goes through drills. They're passing the ball around and have to score, but they aren't allowed to dribble it.

Caitlin notices Jessica on the sideline and Jessica waves at her. Caitlin offers her a small smile before focusing back on the drill. The ball moves around several times before Caitlin gets it far behind the three-point line and decides to let it fly. It falls through the net perfectly and their coach blows the whistle signifying the end of the drill. The girls rush over to the sideline to get water, but Caitlin waddles – literally waddles – over to Jessica.

Jessica laughs, "What are you, a fucking penguin?"

Caitlin shrugs as she smiles widely at Jessica, she holds her arms open and Jessica snorts as she hugs Caitlin.

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